Tech Univ Munich, Comp Aided Med Procedures CAMP, Munich, Germany
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If I Share with you my Perspective, Would you Share your Data with me?00.342022
X-Ray Device Positioning with Augmented Reality Visual Feedback00.342022
PRO-TIP: Phantom for RObust Automatic Ultrasound Calibration by TIP Detection00.342022
Lightweight Semantic Mesh Mapping for Autonomous Vehicles00.342021
SceneGraphFusion: Incremental 3D Scene Graph Prediction from RGB-D Sequences00.342021
DemoGrasp: Few-Shot Learning for Robotic Grasping with Human Demonstration00.342021
A Line to Align: Deep Dynamic Time Warping for Retinal OCT Segmentation00.342021
Patient-Specific Virtual Spine Straightening and Vertebra Inpainting: An Automatic Framework for Osteoplasty Planning00.342021
Development and Pre-Clinical Analysis of Spatiotemporal-Aware Augmented Reality in Orthopedic Interventions00.342021
RGB-D SLAM with Structural Regularities10.352021
Motion-Aware Robotic 3D Ultrasound00.342021
Real-Time Mixed Reality Teleconsultation For Intensive Care Units In Pandemic Situations00.342021
Adversarial Domain Feature Adaptation for Bronchoscopic Depth Estimation00.342021
Pose-Dependent Weights and Domain Randomization for Fully Automatic X-Ray to CT Registration00.342021
Acoustic-Based Spatio-Temporal Learning for Press-Fit Evaluation of Femoral Stem Implants00.342021
Semantic Image Alignment for Vehicle Localization00.342021
Sickle Cell Disease Severity Prediction from Percoll Gradient Images Using Graph Convolutional Networks00.342021
Seamless Virtual Whole Slide Image Synthesis and Validation Using Perceptual Embedding Consistency10.362021
FedPerl: Semi-supervised Peer Learning for Skin Lesion Classification00.342021
Reconstruction of Orthographic Mosaics From Perspective X-Ray Images00.342021
OperA: Attention-Regularized Transformers for Surgical Phase Recognition10.352021
Panoster: End-To-End Panoptic Segmentation Of Lidar Point Clouds20.362021
Force-Ultrasound Fusion: Bringing Spine Robotic-US to the Next "Level"10.342020
Machine Learning Techniques for Ophthalmic Data Processing: A Review20.392020
Extending the hybrid surgical guidance concept with freehand fluorescence tomography.00.342020
Graphite: Graph-Induced Feature Extraction for Point Cloud Registration00.342020
Gain A New Perspective: Towards Exploring Multi-View Alignment in Mixed Reality10.352020
Explicit Domain Adaptation With Loosely Coupled Samples00.342020
Skin surface detection in 3D optoacoustic mesoscopy based on dynamic programming.00.342020
SCFusion: Real-time Incremental Scene Reconstruction with Semantic Completion10.352020
Learning-Based X-Ray Image Denoising Utilizing Model-Based Image Simulations00.342019
Towards Fully Automatic X-Ray to CT Registration00.342019
Variational Object-Aware 3-D Hand Pose From A Single Rgb Image10.382019
LumiPath - Towards Real-Time Physically-Based Rendering on Embedded Devices.00.342019
Multi-task Learning of a Deep K-Nearest Neighbour Network for Histopathological Image Classification and Retrieval.20.602019
3DQ: Compact Quantized Neural Networks for Volumetric Whole Brain Segmentation.20.362019
Adaptive image-feature learning for disease classification using inductive graph networks.00.342019
'Squeeze & Excite' Guided Few-Shot Segmentation of Volumetric Images.40.412019
Robotic Ultrasound For Catheter Navigation In Endovascular Procedures00.342019
Quantifying Structural Heterogeneity Of Healthy And Cancerous Mitochondria Using A Combined Segmentation And Classification Usk-Net00.342019
A Method To Introduce & Evaluate Motion Parallax With Stereo For Medical Ar/Mr00.342019
Recalibrating Fully Convolutional Networks with Spatial and Channel 'Squeeze & Excitation' Blocks.180.682019
Learning to Avoid Poor Images: Towards Task-aware C-arm Cone-beam CT Trajectories.10.392019
`Project & Excite' Modules for Segmentation of Volumetric Medical Scans.20.372019
Multiclass Deep Active Learning for Detecting Red Blood Cell Subtypes in Brightfield Microscopy10.342019
VesARlius: An Augmented Reality System for Large-Group Co-located Anatomy Learning10.362019
Learning Interpretable Features via Adversarially Robust Optimization.00.342019
Visualization Techniques for Precise Alignment in VR: A Comparative Study40.442019
Graph Convolution Based Attention Model for Personalized Disease Prediction10.352019
Domain and Geometry Agnostic CNNs for Left Atrium Segmentation in 3D Ultrasound.20.422018
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