Aalto University School of Economics, Aalto, Finland
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Constructing Continuity Across The Organisational Culture Boundary In A Highly Virtual Work Environment00.342021
Heroes, contracts, cooperation, and processes: Changes in collaboration in a large enterprise systems project00.342021
Advancing Data Monetization and the Creation of Data-based Business Models.10.352020
Balancing fluid and cemented routines in a digital workplace10.342020
Elaborating ADR while drifting away from its essence: A commentary on Mullarkey and Hevner.00.342019
The Magical “We”: Enhancing Collaboration Transparency in Grounded Theory Method in Information Systems Research00.342019
Blockchain Research in Information Systems: Current Trends and an Inclusive Future Research Agenda.10.352019
The Transformative Effect of the Internet of Things on Business and Society00.342019
Views on the Past, Present, and Future of Business and Information Systems Engineering.00.342018
Design Science Research Contributions: Finding a Balance between Artifact and Theory.110.662018
Metaphors In Managerial And Employee Sensemaking In An Information Systems Project10.382018
Infrastructures, Integration and Architecting during and after Digital Transformation.00.342017
Blockchain Technology in Business and Information Systems Research.120.802017
PADRE: A Method for Participatory Action Design Research.00.342016
Collaboration change in enterprise software development.00.342016
Business Roles in the Emerging Open-Data Ecosystem20.372016
The Role of Social Capital as Antecedent in Clan Formation in Information Systems Outsourcing Project.00.342015
Trajectory of IT Artifacts in Live Routines: Organizing Project-Based Workforce in Professional Services through Enterprise Systems00.342015
Industrial Open Data: Case Studies of Early Open Data Entrepreneurs90.612014
Guest editorial to the theme issue on domain-specific modeling in theory and applications00.342014
Editorial: The Role of Information Systems in Enabling Open Innovation.30.392014
Open Data Services: Research Agenda221.032013
Design Science Research: The Road Traveled and the Road That Lies Ahead.20.392013
Introduction to Open Data Services Minitrack20.362013
Icis 2011 Panel Report: Are We On The Wrong Track And Do Mis Curricula Need To Be Reengineered?80.642012
Action design research1726.242011
Matching Open Source Software Licenses with Corresponding Business Models100.732011
Preface to FP-UML 201100.342011
Evaluation Techniques For Systems Analysis And Design Modelling Methods - A Review And Comparative Analysis742.062011
6th international workshop on foundations and practices of UML (FP-UML 2010)00.342010
Reorganizing Projects through Enterprise System: Emerging Role of Enterprise System in Radical Organizational Change20.372010
Choosing an Open Source Software License in Commercial Context: A Managerial Perspective40.752010
FLOSS-Induced Changes in the Software Business: Insights from the Pioneers00.342010
Beyond the Business Model: Incentives for Organizations to Publish Software Source Code00.342009
Conflicts, Compromises, And Political Decisions: Methodological Challenges Of Enterprise-Wide E-Business Architecture Creation40.392009
Are Domain-Specific Models Easier to Maintain Than UML Models?120.972009
The impact of use context on mobile services acceptance: The case of mobile ticketing1242.372009
User Influence In E-Service Evolution: A Case Study Of E-Banking10.352009
An empirical investigation of mobile ticketing service adoption in public transportation501.792008
Conflicts, Compromises and Political Decisions: Methodological Challenges of Enterprise-Wide E-Business Architecture110.512008
Design of emerging digital services: a taxonomy.391.422008
Software architectures: Blueprint, Literature, Language or Decision?260.912008
Applying Open Source Development Practices Inside a Company170.742008
What Is Needed In A Metacase Environment?161.112005
The dynamics of contextual forces of ERP implementation.431.322005
Is Extreme Programming Just Old Wine in New Bottles: A Comparison of Two Cases352.302005
Mobile banking services652.832004
Marketing Meets Requirements Engineering20.682003
Market Driven Requirements Elicitation via Critical Success Chains10.362003
Special issue on: New business models for electronic commerce30.392003
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