Derivation of Executable Test Models from Embedded System Models using Model Driven Architecture Artefacts - Automotive Domain
The approach towards system engineering compliant to Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) implies an increased need for research on the automation of the model-based test generation. This applies especially to embedded real-time system development where safety critical requirements must be met by a system. The following paper presents a methodology to derive basic Simulink test models from Simulink system models so as to execute them in the same framework as the system model. The meta-models for Simulink and Test are explained and will enable automatic transformation in the future. The testing concepts of UML 2.0 Testing Profile (U2TP) have been partially adopted, however also enriched so as to deal with continuous functions, real-time constraints and to mirror Simulink- specific features. Embedded systems development needs modelling, simulation and analysis of dynamic behaviour. One of the tools enabling these functionalities is Simulink (MatML) - being often used in the automotive industry. It supports linear and nonlinear systems, modelled in continuous time, sampled time or a hybrid of the two. Simulation means the execution of the system model. It enables the prediction of the behaviour of the system from a set of parameters and initial conditions. Testing, on the other side is a process of identifying the completeness and quality of developed software. It demands the definitions of system under test (SUT), test objectives, environmental constraints and test criteria. In the early phases of the V-Model (VML97) testing means also execution of the test model. This leads to a conclusion that simulation provided by Simulink, may be involved in testing, however test definition and test artefacts (i.e. timer actions, clocks, actions assigning the verdict from the outside) must be additionally provided. The tool offers a set of model verification blocks which enable to state if the system is build right, according to the requirements. Test harness can be modelled only to some extent, thus the motivation of the following work is to extend Simulink with additional libraries, features and facilities to let the generated test models be executed. The aim is to provide automotive industry with an integrated environment for modelling and executing system as well as for modelling and executing tests in one common framework. Another motivation is the Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) and its artefacts which can be adopted for testing. As MDA gained much momentum in industry, the focus is to use
system under test,meta model,system engineering,embedded system,automotive industry,model based testing,system modeling,initial condition,real time,nonlinear system
Justyna Zander-Nowicka121.10
Ina Schieferdecker259985.81
Tibor Farkas382.41