ARCADE: A prediction method for nominal variables
The main problem considered in this paper consists of binarizing categorical (nominal) attributes having a very large number of values (20 4 in our application). A small number of relevant binary attributes are gathered from each initial attribute. Let us suppose that we want to binarize a categorical attribute v with L values, where L is large or very large. The total number of binary attributes that can be extracted from v is 2 L −1 − 1, which in the case of a large L is prohibitive. Our idea is to select only those binary attributes that are predictive; and these shall constitute a small fraction of all possible binary attributes. In order to do this, the significant idea consists in grouping the L values of a categorical attribute by means of an hierarchical clustering method. To do so, we need to define a similarity between values, which is associated with their predictive power. By clustering the L values into a small number of clusters ( J ), we define a new categorical attribute with only J values. The hierarchical clustering method used by us, AVL, allows to choose a significant value for J . Now, we could consider using all the 2 L −1 − 1 binary attributes associated with this new categorical attribute. Nevertheless, the J values are tree-structured, because we have used a hierarchical clustering method. We profit from this, and consider only about 2 × J binary attributes. If L is extremely large, for complexity and statistical reasons, we might not be able to apply a clustering algorithm directly. In this case, we start by “factorizing” v into a pair ( v 2 , v 2 ), each one with about √ L(v) values. For a simple example, consider an attribute v with only four values m 1 , m 2 , m 3 , m 4 . Obviously, in this example, there is no need to factorize the set of values of v , because it has a very small number of values. Nevertheless, for illustration purposes, v could be decomposed (factorized) into 2 attributes with only two values each; the correspondence between the values of v and ( v 2 , v 2 ) would be υ (υ 1 , υ 2 ) m 1 1 1 m 2 1 2 m 3 2 1 m 4 2 2 Now we apply the clustering method to both sets of values of v 1 and v 2 , defining therefore a new synthetic pair ( ̄v 1 , ̄v 2 ). Then, we “multiply” these new attributes and get another attribute v 10 with J × J values; J 1 (resp. J 2 ) is the number of values of ̄v 1 resp. ̄v 2 ). Now, we apply a final clustering to the values of v 10 , and proceed as above. The solution that we propose is independent of the number of classes and can be applied to various situations. The application of ARCADE to the protein secondary structure prediction problem, proves the validity of our approach. Keywords Decision trees Binarization Complexity reduction Categorical attributes Hierarchical clustering References [1] 1995 Almuallim H. Akiba Y. Kaneda S. 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Intell. Data Anal.
decision tree,tree structure,profitability,decision trees,hierarchical clustering,complexity reduction
Small number,Hierarchical clustering,Pattern recognition,Categorical variable,Reduction (complexity),Large numbers,Factorization,Artificial intelligence,Cluster analysis,Machine learning,Mathematics,Binary number
Intelligent Data Analysis
Joaquim Pinto Da Costa126214.82
Israël-César Lerman274.32