Indoor radio channel model for protocol evaluation of wireless personal area networks
A finite state radio channel model for wireless personal area networks (WPAN) is presented. It is based on a semi-Markov process of the channel impulse response (CIR) energy. To improve the time variant behavior of traditional state models the proposed process includes the tendency of CIR energy fluctuations. The parameters of the model are extracted from a stochastic radio channel model which takes into account all relevant propagation effects in indoor envi- ronments. In a second step the energy states are mapped to bit error rates. This is done using the physical layer proposal from the future IEEE standard 802.15.3 for high rate WPANs. A comparison of the proposed model with an existing semi- Markov channel model concludes the work. Wireless personal area networks (WPAN) are short range communication systems covering an area around one node with a radius of about 10 m. These systems shall be cheap to produce and they are optimized to operate with low power consumption. The IEEE working group 802.15 is dealing with the standardization of WPANs. For the analysis and simulation of protocols for WPANs appropriate models of the radio channel and the receiver are necessary. The performance of the data link control (DLC) layer and higher layer protocols strongly depend on the wire- less link. For WPANs it is required to be aware of a fast time variance of the channel characteristics. The devices are typi- cally carried by hand and they are often operated while mov- ing. For typical WPAN frequencies in the 2.4 GHz band or higher bands this causes fast changes of the channel condi- tions. Recent research and standardization work in the field of WPANs are focused on increasing data rate (1), introducing different service classes and improving coexistence and in- teroperability of different wireless systems. Especially the higher data rates and the introduction of quality of service (QoS) enable multimedia transmission for hand-held devices. QoS in wireless networks needs to cope with time variant channels which result in bursty transmission errors. The re- liability and performance of the DLC protocol, higher layer protocols and multimedia applications can be evaluated using the channel model presented in this paper. Protocols for wireless networks are often analyzed and simulated under simple assumptions concerning the physical layer and the wireless channel characteristics. For example a two state Markov process is often used as a model for chan- nels with bursty errors. For many link layer simulations a two state process is not accurate enough (2). Channel fading is a continuous process with certain correlation properties. For example new DLC protocols are designed to adapt to the cur- rent channel condition. Such algorithms can only be correctly evaluated with an appropriate channel model. In the following sections a new approach for a discrete state radio channel model is presented. Based on a semi-Markov process proposed in (3), (4) a new model is proposed which includes the tendency of the fading process. Section II de- scribes the general design process for discrete state models and in Section III the semi-Markov process for the new ap- proach is presented. In Section IV the stochastic radio chan- nel model is introduced which is used to determine the param- eters of the finite state model. And finally in Section V the new model is compared with a reference semi-Markov model (4).
Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, 2002. The 13th IEEE International Symposium  
Markov processes,error statistics,indoor radio,personal communication networks,protocols,radio networks,stochastic processes,transient response,IEEE 802.15.3 standard,WPAN,bit error rates,channel impulse response energy,finite state model,indoor propagation effects,indoor radio channel model,physical layer,protocol evaluation,semiMarkov process,stochastic model,wireless personal area networks
Transient response,Wireless,Energy level,Protocol evaluation,Markov process,Computer science,Computer network,Stochastic process,Real-time computing,Physical layer,Radio channel
Rico Schwendener130.48