A new approach to low complexity UWB indoor LOS range estimation
In this paper, the possibility of using UWB chan- nel impulse response statistics, other than the TOA, for ranging applications, is investigated. Models for the total received signal power and for the first path power are proposed, based on an extensive UWB measurement campaign conducted in typical office environments. The use of the models is twofold: to obtain a best linear unbiased estimation of the distance and to identify the environment in which the transmitter and receiver are operating. Finally, the bandwidth dependency of the proposed approach is discussed and compared with that of the signal strength method, and a possible low complexity hardware implementation is suggested. The described strategy does not need synchronization between the system nodes, and only modest sampling rates are required. At the same time, the achieved standard deviation of the range error is 0.40 m, about 2.5 times less than obtained with the classical signal strength estimation. between the system nodes, but with improved accuracy compared to RSS. Statistical models for the total power of the received signal and for the power of the first path of the channel impulse response are proposed, based on an extensive UWB measurement campaign conducted in typical office environments. While the characterization of the received total power statistic has been widely documented in literature (7), only recently the authors in (8) started to analyze the first path power statistic. However, the possibility of using this statistic directly for the range estimation and solutions to estimate it with a low complexity receiver implementation, still have not been investigated. The models proposed in this paper are specified for each different environment of interest; in this way, it is possible to significantly reduce the variation of these statistics from their fit and much more accurate results can be obtained, compared to the case in which a global model is used. The same characterization of the proposed statistics is also used to identify the correct environment in which the transmitter and receiver are placed. This paper is organized as follows. Section II describes the sys- tem setup, the measurement locations and the signal processing. In Section III, the measurement results and modeling are given. In Section IV, the proposed model is employed for the range estimation using a Best Linear Unbiased Estimator (BLUE) (9) of the distance. Section V shows how the knowledge of the model of the described statistics can be used to identify the environment in which the transmitter and receiver are placed. Section VI focuses on some implementation issues. First, the impact of the used bandwidth on the performance of the proposed approach is analyzed and compared to the case in which the classical RSS estimation is directly applied to the global set of data. Second, a possible low complexity hardware implementation of the proposed strategy is suggested, and the achieved performance is evaluated. Finally, in Section VII concluding remarks are provided.
indoor communication,time-of-arrival estimation,transient response,ultra wideband communication,TOA,UWB indoor LOS range estimation,channel impulse response statistics,extensive UWB measurement campaign,low complexity hardware implementation,signal strength estimation,signal strength method
Transient response,Transmitter,Synchronization,Random variable,Computer science,Real-time computing,Ranging,Bandwidth (signal processing),Sampling (statistics),Standard deviation
Giovanni Bellusci1202.87
Janssen, G.J.M.214327.25
Junlin Yan3202.87
C. Tiberius4113.36