Autonomous Control for a Reliable Internet of Services: An Overview of the Activities of COST Action ACROSS.
Over the past few decades, the use of the Internet has grown explosively and has fundamentally changed the global society. The emergence of (cloud) concepts like SOA, SaaS, PaaS, IaaS has catalyzed the migration from the information-oriented Internet into an Internet of Services (IoS). The emergence of new, powerful network concepts like 5G and the aforementioned advanced cloud technologies complemented with the nearly unlimited data access nowadays will provide unbounded possibilities and flexibility in the creation and implementation of new, innovative services. As a consequence, modern societies and economies become more and more heavily dependent on ICT. Failures and outages of ICT-based services (e.g., financial transactions, industrial processes, logistic chains, smart energy systems, Web-shopping, governmental services) may cause economic damage and affect people's trust in ICT. Therefore, providing reliable and robust ICT services (resistant against system failures, cyber-attacks, high-load and overload situations, flash crowds, etc.) is crucial for our economy and society at large. A challenging factor in service reliability and quality provisioning is the highly dynamic nature of these complex emerging ICT environments, imposing a high degree of uncertainty in many respects (e.g., in terms of number and diversity of the service offerings, the system load of services suddenly jumping to temporary overload, demand for cloud resources, system failures, etc.). This raises the need for online control methods that quickly adapt or even better anticipate to changing circumstances. Motivated by this, COST Action IC1304 \"Autonomous Control for a Reliable Internet of Services\" (COST ACROSS) has been established in 2014. It's goal is to create a European network of experts, from both academia and industry, working on the development of autonomous control methods and algorithms for a reliable and quality-aware IoS. COST ACROSS is organized in three Working Groups (WGs), viz. (i) Autonomous Control Methods, (ii) QoS/QoE Monitoring & Prediction, and (iii) Pricing & Competition. In order to further streamline the research a number of task forces (TFs) has been formed on various topics mostly crossing multiple WGs. Currently more than 80 researchers from 31 different countries are involved. COST ACROSS will finish its activities at the end of 2017. We will present and discuss the main scientific/technical activities and results of COST ACROSS obtained so far, as well as the collaborations that has been established and dissemination activities that has been deployed throughout the years. In addition, we will present the Action's plans for 2017 and beyond.
ICPE Companion
COST IC1304 ACROSS, Internet of Services, Autonomous Control, QoS/QoE Monitoring & Prediction, Pricing and Competition
Working group,Computer security,Quality of service,Software as a service,Control engineering,Provisioning,Information and Communications Technology,Engineering,Data access,The Internet,Process management,Cloud computing
Hans van den Berg116925.01