3rd workshop on advances in open runtime technology for cloud computing
Modern language runtimes are complex, dynamic environments that involve a myriad of components that must work cooperatively to achieve the functional and performance requirements of a given language. Typical core runtime technologies include dynamic just-in-time compilers for performance, garbage collection for heap management, platform abstraction for ease of portability to different hardware and operating system environments, test infrastructure for quality control, developer tooling for diagnosis and tuning of the various components, and interoperability between different language environments. Cloud services such as IBM Cloud or Amazon Web Services are increasingly becoming the environments where applications are developed, tested, and deployed, data are stored, and businesses are run. Many of the features that define a cloud (e.g. resiliency, elasticity, consistency, security) are realized through runtime technologies. Clouds are polyglot environments, and therefore advances in cloud development are directly driven by innovation in runtime technologies. However, cloud environments pose unique and often conflicting demands on runtime systems that are generally less of a concern in isolated systems. Throughput performance (how many results can my application produce?), density (how many instances of my application can I create and run simultaneously in my provisioned environment?), startup performance (how quickly can I launch a new instance of my application?), and language interoperability are all examples of important considerations that require innovative solutions. The goal of this workshop was to bring together industry and research communities to share and discuss ideas, challenges, and research results across a broad set of open-source runtime technologies (such as Eclipse OMR, LLVM, Eclipse OpenJ9, Node.js) for cloud environments. The focus on open technology solutions rather than proprietary was key as it allowed for greater collaboration amongst individuals, communities, researchers, and industry through shared learning on common technology. This was a full-day speaker session workshop where researchers, students, and practitioners were invited to present their recent innovative work and findings. Topics discussed in the workshop included, but were not limited to: • Open runtime technology frameworks; • Compiler technology and innovative optimizations for dynamic cloud environments; • Garbage collection and memory subsystem performance; • Hardware techniques to assist runtime technologies; • Dynamic languages for the cloud; • Testing and correctness of runtime technology; • Throughput and startup performance, and memory footprint reduction; • Use of tools and infrastructure built on open technologies; and • Innovative ways of exploiting open runtime technologies. This workshop was successful in exploring a wide range of innovative runtime problems and solutions for the cloud environments.
Proceedings of the 29th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering
Daryl Maier1313.71
Xiaoli Liang200.68
Kenneth B. Kent345854.42