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Real to H-Space Autoencoders for Theme Identification in Telephone Conversations.00.342020
A survey of quaternion neural networks20.462020
Conversational Networks for Automatic Online Moderation10.402019
Remembering winter was coming: Character-oriented video summaries of TV series00.342019
Réseaux de neurones convolutifs de quaternions pour l'identification de thèmes de conversations téléphoniques.00.342019
Abusive Language Detection in Online Conversations by Combining Content- and Graph-Based Features.00.342019
Remembering winter was coming10.352019
M2H-GAN - A GAN-Based Mapping from Machine to Human Transcripts for Speech Understanding.00.342019
Real to H-Space Encoder for Speech Recognition.00.342019
Abusive Language Detection in Online Conversations by Combining Content-and Graph-based Features.00.342019
Bidirectional Quaternion Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Networks For Speech Recognition00.342019
Extraction and Analysis of Dynamic Conversational Networks from TV Series.00.342018
D{é}tection de locuteurs dans les s{é}ries TV.00.342018
Quaternion Convolutional Neural Networks For Heterogeneous Image Processing10.352018
Speech recognition with quaternion neural networks.00.342018
Bidirectional Quaternion Long-Short Term Memory Recurrent Neural Networks for Speech Recognition.00.342018
Quaternion Recurrent Neural Networks.20.362018
Quaternion Convolutional Neural Networks For Theme Identification Of Telephone Conversations.00.342018
Denoised Bottleneck Features From Deep Autoencoders for Telephone Conversation Analysis.10.372017
Graph-Based Features for Automatic Online Abuse Detection.30.372017
Detection of abusive messages in an on-line community.00.342017
Réseaux de neurones de quaternions pour le traitement du langage.00.342017
Automatic Text Summarization Approaches to Speed up Topic Model Learning Process.00.342017
Quaternion Denoising Encoder-Decoder For Theme Identification Of Telephone Conversations20.382017
Deep quaternion neural networks for spoken language understanding00.342017
Modelling Semantic Context of OOV Words in Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition.10.352017
Improving multi-stream classification by mapping sequence-embedding in a high dimensional space00.342016
Réseaux de neurones pour la représentation des contextes continus des mots.00.342016
A log-linear weighting approach in the Word2vec space for spoken language understanding00.342016
Learning Word Importance with the Neural Bag-of-Words Model.00.342016
Parallel Long Short-Term Memory for multi-stream classification10.392016
Predicting popularity dynamics of online contents using data filtering methods.00.342016
Impact of Word Error Rate on theme identification task of highly imperfect human-human conversations.20.362016
Quaternion Neural Networks for Spoken Language Understanding20.382016
Narrative smoothing: dynamic conversational network for the analysis of TV Series plots.20.472016
Oov Proper Name Retrieval Using Topic And Lexical Context Models50.442015
Latent Topic Model Based Representations For A Robust Theme Identification Of Highly Imperfect Automatic Transcriptions20.382015
Topic-space based setup of a neural network for theme identification of highly imperfect transcriptions10.352015
Identification de personnes dans des flux multimédia.00.342015
Audiovisual Speaker Diarization Of Tv Series20.442015
Subspace Gaussian mixture models for dialogues classification.30.372014
Ajout de nouveaux noms propres au vocabulaire d'un système de transcription en utilisant un corpus diachronique.00.342014
Factor analysis based semantic variability compensation for automatic conversation representation.00.342014
I-vector based representation of highly imperfect automatic transcriptions.20.372014
Author-topic based representation of call-center conversations20.382014
An I-vector Based Approach to Compact Multi-Granularity Topic Spaces Representation of Textual Documents.40.382014
A Combined Thematic and Acoustic Approach for a Music Recommendation Service in TV Commercials.00.342014
SuMACC Project's Corpus - A Topic-Based Query Extension Approach to Retrieve Multimedia Documents.00.342014
Improving dialogue classification using a topic space representation and a Gaussian classifier based on the decision rule140.622014
Feature selection using Principal Component Analysis for massive retweet detection.150.682014
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