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Uncovering the Limits of Text-based Emotion Detection.00.342021
Collective attention patterns under controlled conditions.00.342019
Sharing emotions at scale: The Vent dataset.00.342019
Guest editorial: social media for personalization and search00.342019
Interactive Discovery System for Direct Democracy.00.342018
Guest Editorial: Behavioral-Data Mining in Information Systems and the Big Data Era.10.352018
Online Petitioning Through Data Exploration and What We Found There: A Dataset of Petitions from
The Impact of Geographic Distance on Online Social Interactions50.452018
Deliberative Platform Design: The case study of the online discussions in Decidim Barcelona.00.342017
To Thread or Not to Thread: The Impact of Conversation Threading on Online Discussion.60.442017
Using social media to characterize urban mobility patterns: State-of-the-art survey and case-study.50.422017
Lost in Re-Election: A Tale of Two Spanish Online Campaigns.00.342017
Report on the Workshop on Social Media for Personalization And Search (SoMePeAS).00.342017
Generative models of online discussion threads: state of the art and research challenges.30.372017
Graph-Based Breaking News Detection on Wikipedia.10.352016
When a Movement Becomes a Party: Computational Assessment of New Forms of Political Organization in Social Media.20.412016
Visualization Tool for Collective Awareness in a Platform of Citizen Proposals.40.492016
Gender homophily in online dyadic and triadic relationships.30.382016
Societal Controversies in Wikipedia Articles110.702015
Harmony Assumptions in Information Retrieval and Social Networks.00.342015
SUPER: Towards the use of Social Sensors for Security Assessments and Proactive Management of Emergencies20.422015
When a Movement Becomes a Party: The 2015 Barcelona City Council Election.00.342015
A Platform for Visually Exploring the Development of Wikipedia Articles30.492015
Gender Patterns in a Large Online Social Network.40.482014
Interactions Of Cultures And Top People Of Wikipedia From Ranking Of 24 Language Editions160.992014
Who Are My Audiences? A Study of the Evolution of Target Audiences in Microblogs.40.482014
Contropedia - the analysis and visualization of controversies in Wikipedia articles40.472014
Core decomposition of uncertain graphs381.012014
Emotional Links Between Structure And Content In Online Communications00.342014
Not All Paths Lead to Rome: Analysing the Network of Sister Cities00.342013
A likelihood-based framework for the analysis of discussion threads170.702013
Modeling and predicting page-view dynamics on Wikipedia40.432012
The Length of Bridge Ties: Structural and Geographic Properties of Online Social Interactions.170.762012
There is no deadline: time evolution of Wikipedia discussions.150.672012
Jointly They Edit: Examining The Impact Of Community Identification On Political Interaction In Wikipedia50.422012
Biographical social networks on Wikipedia: a cross-cultural study of links that made history.120.902012
Emotions and dialogue in a peer-production community: the case of Wikipedia.130.792012
Far from the eyes, close on the web: impact of geographic distance on online social interactions140.762012
When the Wikipedians Talk: Network and Tree Structure of Wikipedia Discussion Pages.502.302011
Social Innovation Meets Social Media: A Framework Proposal.00.342011
Evaluation of valuable user generated content on social news web sites20.432011
Modeling the structure and evolution of discussion cascades130.812011
Comparative analysis of articulated and behavioural social networks in a social news sharing website50.442011
Emotional Reactions and the Pulse of Public Opinion: Measuring the Impact of Political Events on the Sentiment of Online Discussions140.922010
The structure of political discussion networks: a model for the analysis of online deliberation261.362010
Urban cycles and mobility patterns: Exploring and predicting trends in a bicycle-based public transport system795.512010
Exploring Asynchronous Online Discussions through Hierarchical Visualisation90.862009
Statistical analysis of the social network and discussion threads in slashdot1379.212008
Bicycle cycles and mobility patterns - Exploring and characterizing data from a community bicycle program50.712008
Exploiting MDS Projections for Cross-language IR30.422008
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