ETH Zurich
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ThymesisFlow: A Software-Defined, HW/SW co-Designed Interconnect Stack for Rack-Scale Memory Disaggregation20.422020
A Software-Defined Soc Memory Bus Bridge Architecture For Disaggregated Computing10.402018
Copernicus: A Robust AI-Centric Indoor Positioning System00.342018
Performance evaluation of TCP over software-defined optical burst-switched data centre network.00.342018
A taxonomy of task-based parallel programming technologies for high-performance computing.50.412018
Dynamic Model Evaluation to Accelerate Distributed Machine Learning00.342018
Dredbox: Materializing A Full-Stack Rack-Scale System Prototype Of A Next-Generation Disaggregated Datacenter00.342018
Shadow Puppets: Cloud-level Accurate AI Inference at the Speed and Economy of Edge.00.342018
An Edge Computing Approach to Explore Indoor Environmental Sensor Data for Occupancy Measurement in Office Spaces10.362018
Demonstration Of Nfv For Mobile Edge Computing On An Optically Disaggregated Datacentre In A Box00.342018
Turn of the Carousel - What Does Edge Computing Change for Distributed Applications?10.412018
Dreddbox: Demonstrating Disaggregated Memory In An Optical Data Centre00.342018
Disaggregated Compute, Memory And Network Systems: A New Era For Optical Data Centre Architectures10.432017
Leveraging Adaptive I/O to Optimize Collective Data Shuffling Patterns for Big Data Analytics.20.362017
Scalable Linux Container Provisioning in Fog and Edge Computing Platforms.00.342017
OFLoad: An OpenFlow-Based Dynamic Load Balancing Strategy for Datacenter Networks.20.362017
A software-defined architecture and prototype for disaggregated memory rack scale systems10.342017
Performance Evaluation of Hybrid Optical Switch Architecture for Data Center Networks30.452016
Rack-Scale Disaggregated Cloud Data Centers: The Dredbox Project Vision40.492016
Architecting Malleable MPI Applications for Priority-driven Adaptive Scheduling.40.412016
Towards Memory-Optimized Data Shuffling Patterns for Big Data Analytics20.382016
Performance Analysis Of Optical Burst Switching With Fast Optical Switches For Data Center Networks30.392015
A data center network featuring low latency and energy efficiency based on all optical core interconnect00.342015
Enabling Big Data Analytics in the Hybrid Cloud Using Iterative MapReduce50.442015
HOSA: hybrid optical switch architecture for data center networks60.552015
MRemu: An Emulation-Based Framework for Datacenter Network Experimentation Using Realistic MapReduce Traffic10.392015
Performance Evaluation of TCP over Optical Burst-Switched Data Center Network10.362015
A reconfigurable, regular-topology cluster/datacenter network using commodity optical switches.40.392014
Pythia: Faster Big Data in Motion through Predictive Software-Defined Network Optimization at Runtime.120.622014
Editorial: Special Issue on Extreme Scale Parallel Architectures and Systems00.342014
Ultra-Fast Load Balancing of Distributed Key-Value Stores through Network-Assisted Lookups.20.392014
Generating synthetic task graphs for simulating stream computing systems60.422013
Accelerating communication-intensive parallel workloads using commodity optical switches and a software-configurable control stack00.342013
MiceTrap: Scalable traffic engineering of datacenter mice flows using OpenFlow.20.402013
Tailoring the network to the problem: topology configuration in hybrid electronic packet switched/optical circuit switched interconnects.00.342013
A reconfigurable optical/electrical interconnect architecture for large-scale clusters and datacenters80.562012
Topology configuration in hybrid EPS/OCS interconnects10.372012
A Flexible Workload Generator for Simulating Stream Computing Systems50.472011
ICBR-Diff: an Impairment Constraint Based Routing Strategy with Quality of Signal Differentiation.51.072010
Network Resilience in Future Optical Networks30.952009
Backhauling wireless broadband traffic over an optical aggregation network: WiMAX over OBS30.412009
Turn-taking patterns in human discourse and their impact on group communication service design.00.342007
Autonomic Network-layer Multicast Service Towards Consistent Service Quality20.392006
Dynamic adaptation of source specific distribution trees for multiparty teleconferencing20.442005
Application-Layer Multicast00.342005
A new TCP-Friendly rate control algorithm for scalable video streams20.442005