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Checking Compliance Of Semantic Web Applications With Rdfs-Semantics00.342019
Embedding semantics in human resources management automation via SQL.00.342017
Logical comparison over RDF resources in bio-informatics.00.342017
Reasoning over RDF Knowledge Bases: Where We Are.00.342017
Defining and computing Least Common Subsumers in RDF.00.342016
Pushing the role of information in ICN00.342016
Towards a Goal-oriented Approach to Adaptable Re-deployment of Cloud-based Applications.10.352016
A Logic-Based Approach to Named-Entity Disambiguation in the Web of Data.20.352015
IoT-aided robotics applications: Technological implications, target domains and open issues.110.972014
Finding Commonalities in Linked Open Data.00.342014
A deductive approach to the identification and description of clusters in Linked Open Data.20.372014
Common Subsumbers in RDF.40.422013
Knowledge Compilation for Core Competence Extraction in Organizations.10.352013
Inverting Subsumption for Constructive Reasoning.00.342012
Large scale skill matching through knowledge compilation40.412012
Knowledge compilation for automated Team Composition exploiting standard SQL50.432012
Using Prolog Unification to Solve Non-standard Reasoning Problems in Description Logics.00.342012
Finding Commonalities in RFID Semantic Streams.40.462011
Second-Order Description Logics: Semantics, Motivation, and a Calculus50.522010
A Unified Framework for Non-standard Reasoning Services in Description Logics60.462010
Semantic-Based Top-k Retrieval for Competence Management10.352009
A System for Retrieving Top-k Candidates to Job Positions00.342009
A Tableaux-based Method for Computing Least Common Subsumers for Expressive Description Logics120.552009
Top-k Retrieval for Automated Human Resource Management10.352009
Semantic-based Automated Evaluation of Company Core Competence00.342008
Finding informative commonalities in concept collections40.402008
Partial and Informative Common Subsumers in Description Logics10.362008
Partial and Informative Common Subsumers of Concepts Collections in Description Logics30.412008
Semantic-based Skill Management for Automated Task Assignment and Courseware Composition110.532007
Semantic-based Skill Management for Automated Task Assignment and Courseware Composition110.532007
Semantic-based Skill Management for Automated Task Assignment and Courseware Composition110.532007
Semantic-based Skill Management for Automated Task Assignment and Courseware Composition110.532007
Semantic-based Skill Management for Automated Task Assignment and Courseware Composition110.532007
Semantic-based Skill Management for Automated Task Assignment and Courseware Composition110.532007
Semantic-based Skill Management for Automated Task Assignment and Courseware Composition110.532007
Semantic-based Skill Management for Automated Task Assignment and Courseware Composition110.532007
A Nonmonotonic Approach to Semantic Matchmaking and Request Refinement in E-Marketplaces351.512007
Fully Automated Web Services Discovery And Composition Through Concept Covering And Concept Abduction261.022007
Explanation services and request refinement in user friendly semantic-enabled b2c e-marketplaces10.352006
A semantic-based fully visual application for matchmaking and query refinement in B2C e-marketplaces80.692006
Fully Automated Web Services Orchestration in a Resource Retrieval Scenario120.842005
Concept abduction and contraction for semantic-based discovery of matches and negotiation spaces in an e-marketplace683.532005
Semantic-Based automated composition of distributed learning objects for personalized e-learning90.542005
Semantic-Based Resource Retrieval using Non-Standard Inference Services in Description Logics20.412005
Semantic-Based Resource Retrieval using Non-Standard Inference Services in Description Logics20.412005
Semantic-Based Resource Retrieval using Non-Standard Inference Services in Description Logics20.412005
Semantic-Based Resource Retrieval using Non-Standard Inference Services in Description Logics20.412005
Knowledge elicitation for query refinement in a semantic-enabled e-marketplace60.482005
A Uniform Tableaux-Based Method for Concept Abduction and Contraction in Description Logics100.682004
A Uniform Tableaux-Based Method for Concept Abduction and Contraction in Description Logics100.682004
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