IST/INESC-ID, Lisboa, Portugal
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Enriching Product Catalogs with User Opinions.00.342020
Contender: Leveraging User Opinions for Purchase Decision-Making00.342019
Quality Assessment of Collaboratively-Created Web Content with No Manual Intervention based on Soft Multi-View Generation00.342019
RSL-IL4Privacy: a domain-specific language for the rigorous specification of privacy policies.50.432019
: Leveraging user opinions for product catalog enrichment.20.392019
The Importance of Canonical Product Attributes on User Opinions: an Empirical Investigation00.342019
Toponym Matching Through Deep Neural Networks50.402018
Tag-Based User Fuzzy Fingerprints for Recommender Systems.00.342018
A general multiview framework for assessing the quality of collaboratively created content on web
Fuzzy Fingerprints for Item-Based Collaborative Filtering.10.372017
Towards the Effective Linking of Social Media Contents to Products in E-Commerce Catalogs20.362016
Improving the Specification and Analysis of Privacy Policies - The RSLingo4Privacy Approach.10.352016
Learning Parliamentary Profiles for Recommendation Tasks00.342015
Using Rank Aggregation for Expert Search in Academic Digital Libraries.60.492015
Learning to Rank Academic Experts in the DBLP Dataset.120.852015
Quality assessment of collaborative content with minimal information60.462014
Efficient XML duplicate detection using an adaptive two-level optimization00.342013
Learning to rank for expert search in digital libraries of academic publications160.632013
Efficient and Effective Duplicate Detection in Hierarchical Data80.502013
Exploiting user feedback to learn to rank answers in q&a forums: a case study with stack overflow381.092013
An analysis of the named entity recognition problem in digital library metadata00.342012
The dmir_tagus team at TAC-KBP 2012.00.342012
Improving a hybrid literary book recommendation system through author ranking140.672012
Using site-level connections to estimate link confidence00.342012
On multiview-based meta-learning for automatic quality assessment of wiki articles30.412012
Resolving user identities over social networks through supervised learning and rich similarity features190.892012
An approach for named entity recognition in poorly structured data80.642012
A Multi-view Approach for the Quality Assessment of Wiki Articles.10.382012
Use of Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) in Portuguese for categorizing web-based healthcare content.20.462011
Supervised Learning for Linking Named Entities to Knowledge Base Entries.60.502011
Uma Abordagem Multi-Visão para a Estimativa de Qualidade de Artigos de Wikis.00.342011
A language independent approach for named entity recognition in subject headings10.362011
A metadata geoparsing system for place name recognition and resolution in metadata records100.642011
Automatic Assessment of Document Quality in Web Collaborative Digital Libraries240.932011
Named entity translation using anchor texts.70.572011
Duplicate detection through structure optimization10.372011
A language independent approach for aligning subject heading systems with geographic ontologies00.342011
Using the geographic scopes of web documents for contextual advertising40.392010
Learning to rank for geographic information retrieval100.602010
Using Statistical Features to Find Phrasal Terms in Text Collections50.442010
A Machine Learning Approach for Resolving Place References in Text.180.932010
Classifying documents with link-based bibliometric measures20.372010
Automatic quality assessment of content created collaboratively by web communities: a case study of wikipedia472.132009
Classifying Documents According to Locational Relevance90.512009
Automatic Tag Suggestion Based on Resource Contents30.412008
Locality-Based pruning methods for web search140.672008
Structure-based inference of xml similarity for fuzzy duplicate detection180.712007
Identification of FRBR works within bibliographic databases: an experiment with UNIMARC and duplicate detection techniques111.162007
LABRADOR: Efficiently publishing relational databases on the web by using keyword-based query interfaces170.802007
A combined component approach for finding collection-adapted ranking functions based on genetic programming431.442007
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