Ministry for Higher Education and Scientific Research: USTHB, Algers, Algeria
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Spatial Data Warehouse Multidimensional Design Approach and Geo-Decisional Tool for Road Accidents Analysis00.342019
An approach oriented viewpoints for cooperative information system eliciting requirements.00.342019
Data cubes retrieval and design in OLAP systems: from query analysis to visualisation tool.00.342019
An optimal big data processing for smart grid based on hybrid MDM/R architecture to strengthening RE integration and EE in datacenter00.342019
Designing data cubes in OLAP systems: a decision makers’ requirements-based approach10.352019
An Approach Based On Hierarchical Petri Nets For The Verification Of Interconnected Bpel Processes00.342018
A New Multidimensional Design Method Based on Meta Model Assistance.00.342017
A Fine‐Grained Distribution Approach for ETL Processes in Big Data Environments.00.342017
Adaptation and Evolution Frameworks for Service Based Inter-Organizational Workflows.30.372017
Toward integrating grid and cloud-based concepts for an enhanced deployment of spatial data warehouses in cyber-physical system applications.60.492016
From spatial data warehouse and decision-making tool to SOLAP generalisation approach for efficient road risk analysis.10.362016
Evolution of inter-organizational workflows: The case-transfer pattern.00.342016
Extracting-Transforming-Loading Modeling Approach for Big Data Analytics.00.342016
Workflow restructuration and interconnection for adaptation and evolution support: the 'loosely coupled' architecture00.342016
A Data Cube Design And Construction Methodology Based On Olap Queries00.342016
An Intelligent ETL Grid-Based Solution to Enable Spatial Data Warehouse Deployment in Cyber Physical System Context00.342015
Une Plateforme ETL parallèle et distribuée pour l'intégration de données massives.00.342015
Spatial Querying Supported by Domain and User Ontologies: An Approach for Web GIS Applications.00.342015
A pattern-based approach for workflow interconnection and flexibility support10.352015
Integrating Multiple Geometric Representations within Spatial Data Warehouse Structures for Enhanced Collaborative Decision-Making Processes00.342015
PF-ETL : vers l'intégration de données massives dans les fonctionnalités d'ETL.00.342014
P-ETL: Parallel-ETL based on the MapReduce paradigm30.412014
Viewpoints for Requirement Engineering in a Cooperatif Information System (VpCIS).00.342014
Geo-Multi-Agent System Based Webmapping Approach Using Multiple Representation and Generalisation Driven by Domain Ontology00.342013
Enabling Semantic Mediation in DaaS Composition: Service-Based and Context-Driven Approach.00.342013
De la Conception d'un Entrepôt de Données Spatiales à un Outil Géo-Décisionnel pour une Meilleure Analyse du Risque Routier.20.412013
Patrons de Coopération à base de Services pour l'Adaptabilité des Modèles de Workflow.00.342012
An MDA-based framework for collaborative business process modelling.30.422012
A Muti-Representation and Generalisation Based Webmapping Approach Using Multi-Agent System Predicates.20.452012
Possibilistic model for aggregated search in XML documents10.362012
Interconnecting Workflows Using Services: An Approach for "Case Transfer" with Centralized Control.10.352012
Automatic Construction of Ontology from Arabic Texts.50.532012
Context-Driven and Service Oriented Semantic Mediation in DaaS Composition.10.352012
Adaptability of Service Based Workflow Models: The "Chained Execution" Architecture.10.362012
Service based Approach for Adaptability of Workflow Models - The Subcontracting Architecture .00.342012
Handling Semantic Conflicts in DaaS Composition: A Service Mediation Approach00.342011
Inter-Organizational Business Processes Modelling Framework.50.452011
Discovering Arabic structures from texts: what a formal analysis can tell us20.432011
Une approche basée SOA pour l'inteconnexion de workflows : application au « transfert de cas ».00.342011
Electronic health record data-as-a-services composition based on query rewriting50.522011
Al - Khalil : The Arabic Linguistic Ontology Project30.432010
An uncoupled approach Agents/Web Services to support uniform access to Resources in information systems00.342010
SimulPh.D.: A Physical Design Simulator Tool10.372009
Gestion du recouvrement spatial dans les documents multimédias. Approche et évaluation00.342008
Possibility and necessity measures for relevance assessment00.342007
Recherche d'information structurée. Vers un modèle possibiliste pour la recherche d'information dans des documents structurés.00.342007
E-Tutoring: A Help Tool for the Construction of Training Process Based on Workflow10.372006
A Cooperative Information System for E-Learning - A System Based on Workflows and Agents00.342005
Conceptual Modeling: an approach based on analysis10.351998
Génération d'objets par une analyse couplant les formulaires et scénarios00.341997