Indiana University , Bloomington
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The Impact of Viral Posts on Visibility and Behavior of Professionals: A Longitudinal Study of Scientists on Twitter00.342022
Metrics and mechanisms: Measuring the unmeasurable in the science of science00.342022
Characterizing partisan political narrative frameworks about COVID-19 on Twitter00.342021
Predicting Anti-Asian Hateful Users on Twitter during COVID-19.00.342021
Co‐contributorship network and division of labor in individual scientific collaborations00.342020
A Systematic Media Frame Analysis of 1.5 Million New York Times Articles from 2000 to 201700.342020
Global labor flow network reveals the hierarchical organization and dynamics of geo-industrial clusters in the world economy.10.372019
Sameness Attracts, Novelty Disturbs, but Outliers Flourish in Fanfiction Online.00.342019
CluSim: a python package for calculating clustering similarity.00.342019
Massive Multi-agent Data-Driven Simulations of the GitHub Ecosystem.30.452019
Evolution of the Informational Complexity of Contemporary Western Music.00.342019
Semaxis: A Lightweight Framework To Characterize Domain-Specific Word Semantics Beyond Sentiment20.412018
The Impact of Random Models on Clustering Similarity.40.442017
Data-driven Methods for the Study of Food Perception, Preparation, Consumption, and Culture.20.362017
The Minor Fall, the Major Lift: Inferring Emotional Valence of Musical Chords through Lyrics.00.342017
Optimal modularity and memory capacity of neural networks.00.342017
The Multi-Scale Network Landscape Of Collaboration10.402016
Information overload in group communication: from conversation to cacophony in the Twitch chat00.342016
A Systematic Identification And Analysis Of Scientists On Twitter50.502016
Link community detection through global optimization and the inverse resolution limit of partition density.00.342016
Social contagions on weighted networks.40.402016
Twitter's Glass Ceiling: The Effect of Perceived Gender on Online Visibility.60.462016
Characterizing Conversation Patterns in Reddit: From the Perspectives of Content Properties and User Participation Behaviors130.642015
Optimizing drug–target interaction prediction based on random walk on heterogeneous networks100.512015
Collective Dynamics Of Belief Evolution Under Cognitive Coherence And Social Conformity10.452015
Quantifying socio-economic indicators in developing countries from mobile phone communication data: applications to Côte d’Ivoire50.552015
Community Detection In Bipartite Networks Using Weighted Symmetric Binary Matrix Factorization30.402015
Optimal network clustering for information diffusion.10.362014
Tie strength distribution in scientific collaboration networks.70.542014
Making Sense out of Food.00.342014
Community-Enhanced De-anonymization of Online Social Networks300.952014
Predicting Successful Memes using Network and Community Structure.471.292014
Virality Prediction And Community Structure In Social Networks1273.692013
Geography And Similarity Of Regional Cuisines In China150.962013
Overlapping community detection in complex networks using symmetric binary matrix factorization.260.962013
Delayed information cascades in Flickr: Measurement, analysis, and modeling210.842012
Understanding the Demographics of Twitter Users.1786.862011
Flavor Network And The Principles Of Food Pairing764.812011
Topological Cluster Analysis Reveals The Systemic Organization Of The Caenorhabditis Elegans Connectome140.832011
Robustness And Modular Structure In Networks50.472011
Analyzing the Video Popularity Characteristics of Large-Scale User Generated Content Systems1907.522009
Comparison of online social relations in volume vs interaction: a case study of cyworld10911.322008
I tube, you tube, everybody tubes: analyzing the world's largest user generated content video system77750.212007
Analysis of topological characteristics of huge online social networking services44135.572007