Dept. of Comput. Sci., Univ. of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA|c|
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A semi-supervised learning framework for micropapillary adenocarcinoma detection00.342022
Multi-feature deep information bottleneck network for breast cancer classification in contrast enhanced spectral mammography00.342022
Decoding Color Visual Working Memory from EEG Signals Using Graph Convolutional Neural Networks00.342022
LogoDet-3K: A Large-scale Image Dataset for Logo Detection10.352022
SymReg-GAN: Symmetric Image Registration With Generative Adversarial Networks00.342022
Graph Attention Network With Focal Loss For Seizure Detection On Electroencephalography Signals00.342021
Multiview Multimodal Network For Breast Cancer Diagnosis In Contrast-Enhanced Spectral Mammography Images00.342021
Deep Multispectral Image Registration Network00.342021
Asrnet: Adversarial Segmentation And Registration Networks For Multispectral Fundus Images00.342021
Polar Representation-Based Cell Nucleus Segmentation In Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Histopathological Images00.342021
Exploiting Probabilistic Siamese Visual Tracking with a Conditional Variational Autoencoder00.342021
Solving Jigsaw Puzzles Via Nonconvex Quadratic Programming With The Projected Power Method00.342021
Cascaded MultiTask 3-D Fully Convolutional Networks for Pancreas Segmentation20.362021
Detection and segmentation of overlapped fruits based on optimized mask R-CNN application in apple harvesting robot60.582020
Time-free cell-like P systems with multiple promoters/inhibitors00.342020
A Study On Tuberculosis Classification In Chest X-Ray Using Deep Residual Attention Networks00.342020
Logo-2k+: A Large-Scale Logo Dataset For Scalable Logo Classification00.342020
Multimodality registration for ocular multispectral images via co-embedding00.342020
Deep-Learning-Based Small Surface Defect Detection via an Exaggerated Local Variation-Based Generative Adversarial Network.50.432020
Controllability of <italic>k</italic>-Valued Fuzzy Cognitive Maps00.342020
Posting Techniques in Indoor Environments Based on Deep Learning for Intelligent Building Lighting System00.342020
Revealing False Positive Features In Epileptic Eeg Identification00.342020
Segmenting diabetic retinopathy lesions in multispectral images using low-dimensional spatial-spectral matrix representation.10.352020
Classification Of Motor Imagery Electrocorticogram Signals For Brain-Computer Interface00.342019
An evolving recurrent interval type-2 intuitionistic fuzzy neural network for online learning and time series prediction.20.362019
MA-Shape: Modality Adaptation Shape Regression for Left Ventricle Segmentation on Mixed MR and CT Images.00.342019
Joint Fine-Grained Components Continuously Enhance Chinese Word Embeddings00.342019
Prediction of Epitope-Associated TCR by Using Network Topological Similarity Based on Deepwalk00.342019
A Reliable Small Sample Classification Algorithm by Elman Neural Network Based on PLS and GA00.342019
Detecting sparse rating spammer for accurate ranking of online recommendation00.342019
A novel reconstructed training-set SVM with roulette cooperative coevolution for financial time series classification.00.342019
Fast Recognition And Location Of Target Fruit Based On Depth Information10.342019
Gpredicates: Gpu Implementation Of Robust And Adaptive Floating-Point Predicates For Computational Geometry00.342019
Original intensity preserved inhomogeneity correction and segmentation for liver magnetic resonance imaging.10.362019
Dgr-Net: Deep Groupwise Registration Of Multispectral Images10.342019
Long-term prediction of time series based on stepwise linear division algorithm and time-variant zonary fuzzy information granules.20.352019
Face Identification With Top-Push Constrained Generalized Low-Rank Approximation of Matrices.00.342019
Deep Group-Wise Registration for Multi-Spectral Images From Fundus Images.10.342019
A reliable method for colorectal cancer prediction based on feature selection and support vector machine.10.362019
Automated recognition and discrimination of human–animal interactions using Fisher vector and hidden Markov model00.342019
MAMDA: Inferring microRNA-Disease associations with manifold alignment.00.342019
A novel optimized GA-Elman neural network algorithm.20.372019
Sign Prediction And Community Detection In Directed Signed Networks Based On Random Walk Theory00.342019
Multiscale Rotation-Invariant Convolutional Neural Networks for Lung Texture Classification.60.502018
Drusen Segmentation From Retinal Images via Supervised Feature Learning.50.452018
Co-evolution of cooperation and limited resources on interdependent networks.00.342018
A Generative Model for OCT Retinal Layer Segmentation by Groupwise Curve Alignment.00.342018
Deblurring sequential ocular images from multi-spectral imaging (MSI) via mutual information.50.412018
Deep Random Walk for Drusen Segmentation from Fundus Images.10.342018
Classifying advertising video by topicalizing high-level semantic concepts.40.392018
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