London South Bank University, UK
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Change Point Models for Real-Time Cyber Attack Detection in Connected Vehicle Environment00.342022
A Review on Cybersecurity of Cloud Computing for Supporting Connected Vehicle Applications00.342022
Towards De-Anonymization of Google Play Search Rank Fraud00.342021
Commercial Cloud Computing for Connected Vehicle Applications in Transportation Cyberphysical Systems: A Case Study20.352021
Grey models for short-term queue length predictions for adaptive traffic signal control00.342021
Vision-Based Personal Safety Messages (PSMs) Generation for Connected Vehicles00.342020
The Art and Craft of Fraudulent App Promotion in Google Play20.362019
In-Vehicle False Information Attack Detection and Mitigation Framework using Machine Learning and Software Defined Networking.00.342019
Privacy-Preserved, Provable Secure, Mutually Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol for Healthcare in a Smart City Environment.00.342019
IoT Data Compression and Optimization Techniques in Cloud Storage: Current Prospects and Future Directions00.342019
A Review of Sensing and Communication, Human Factors, and Controller Aspects for Information-Aware Connected and Automated Vehicles50.372019
Leveraging Analysis of User Behavior to Identify Malicious Activities in Large-Scale Social Networks.40.422018
Feasibility of 5G mm-wave communication for connected autonomous vehicles.00.342018
Search Rank Fraud De-Anonymization in Online Systems.00.342018
A Distributed Message Delivery Infrastructure for Connected Vehicle Technology Applications.60.442018
Real-time Traffic Data Prediction with Basic Safety Messages using Kalman-Filter based Noise Reduction Model and Long Short-term Memory Neural Network.00.342018
A prediction system of Sybil attack in social network using deep-regression model.40.392018
Vulnerability Analysis for the Authentication Protocols in Trusted Computing Platforms and a Proposed Enhancement of the OffPAD Protocol.10.352018
Fraud De-Anonymization for Fun and Profit.00.342018
Real-time Pedestrian Detection Approach with an Efficient Data Communication Bandwidth Strategy.00.342018
SybilTrap: A graph-based semi-supervised Sybil defense scheme for online social networks.60.522018
Towards Secure Infrastructure-based Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control.00.342018
Sybil Defense Techniques in Online Social Networks: A Survey.100.472017
FairPlay: Fraud and Malware Detection in Google Play.80.512017
Lessons Learned from the Real-World Deployment of a Connected Vehicle Testbed:10.372017
A shallow water model for computing water level due to tide and surge along the coast of Bangladesh using nested numerical schemes.00.342017
Smart Health Solution Integrating IoT and Cloud: A Case Study of Voice Pathology Monitoring.220.882017
Stateless Puzzles for Real Time Online Fraud Preemption.10.342017
Comparative analysis of amino acid composition in the active site of nirk gene encoding copper-containing nitrite reductase (CuNiR) in bacterial spp.00.342017
Search Rank Fraud and Malware Detection in Google Play.60.532017
A Longitudinal Study of Google Play20.352017
Privacy-Preserving Data Communication Through Secure Multi-Party Computation in Healthcare Sensor Cloud.30.382017
GeoPal: Friend Spam Detection in Social Networks Using Private Location Proofs00.342016
QoS and trust-aware coalition formation game in data-intensive cloud federations80.482016
Integration of Structural Health Monitoring and Intelligent Transportation Systems for Bridge Condition Assessment: Current Status and Future Direction.30.402016
Performance of bridging in cognitive wireless personal area networks20.402015
A Multistage Credibility Analysis Model for Microblogs.50.442015
PKE-AET: Public Key Encryption with Authorized Equality Test.30.432015
Improving the Efficacy of Car-Following Models With a New Stochastic Parameter Estimation and Calibration Method30.682015
Security, privacy, and applications in mobile healthcare10.362015
Large-Scale Mangrove Canopy Height Map Generation From Tandem-X Data By Means Of Pol-Insar Techniques00.342015
Spectrum and energy aware multipath routing for cognitive radio ad hoc networks00.342014
Review of Microscopic Lane-Changing Models and Future Research Opportunities161.502013
Legal Knowledge Framework for Identifying Water, Energy, Food and Climate Nexus.00.342013
An Efficient Approach towards Mitigating Soft Errors Risks00.342011
Cache-Oblivious Scanline Algorithm Design00.342007
A fast two-grid and finite section method for a class of integral equations on the real line with application to an acoustic scattering problem in the half-plane51.462002
The suitability of the Java language for computer-graphics and visualisation research00.342002