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Solving Job-Shop Scheduling Problems with QUBO-Based Specialized Hardware.00.342022
LM-Cut Heuristics for Optimal Linear Numeric Planning.00.342022
Exploiting Hardware and Software Advances for Quadratic Models of Wind Farm Layout Optimization00.342022
LM-cut and Operator Counting Heuristics for Optimal Numeric Planning with Simple Conditions.00.342021
Counterfactual Explanations for Optimization-Based Decisions in the Context of the GDPR.00.342021
Generating Complex, Realistic Cloud Workloads using Recurrent Neural Networks10.342021
An Ising Framework for Constrained Clustering on Special Purpose Hardware.00.342020
Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, Nancy, France, October 26-30, 2020.00.342020
CP and Hybrid Models for Two-Stage Batching and Scheduling.00.342020
Target Search On Road Networks With Range-Constrained Uavs And Ground-Based Mobile Recharging Vehicles00.342020
A Constraint Programming Approach to Electric Vehicle Routing with Time Windows.00.342019
Relaxed BDDs - An Admissible Heuristic for Delete-Free Planning Based on a Discrete Relaxation.00.342019
Towards an ontology for generative design of mechanical assemblies.00.342019
Efficient Temporal Planning Using Metastates00.342019
Congestion Graphs for Automated Time Predictions00.342019
Autonomous target search with multiple coordinated UAVs00.342019
Local Minima, Heavy Tails, and Search Effort for GBFS.00.342018
Intruder alert! Optimization models for solving the mobile robot graph-clear problem.00.342018
Planning and Operations Research (Dagstuhl Seminar 18071).00.342018
Local Minima, Heavy Tails, and Search Effort for GBFS.00.342018
Fat- and Heavy-Tailed Behavior in Satisficing Planning.00.342018
Multi-stage resource-aware scheduling for data centers with heterogeneous servers.10.352018
Comparing and Integrating Constraint Programming and Temporal Planning for Quantum Circuit Compilation.20.392018
Knowledge-Based Provisioning of Goods and Services: Towards a Virtual Social Needs Marketplace.00.342017
Knowledge-Based Provision of Goods and Services for People with Social Needs: Towards a Virtual Marketplace.00.342017
Problem Difficulty and the Phase Transition in Heuristic Search.00.342017
A virtual marketplace for goods and services for people with social needs00.342017
Robots in Retirement Homes: Applying Off-the-Shelf Planning and Scheduling to a Team of Assistive Robots (Extended Abstract).00.342017
ℚ-bounds consistency for the spread constraint with variable mean.10.372016
Explorations of Quantum-Classical Approaches to Scheduling a Mars Lander Activity Problem.10.442016
A Hybrid Quantum-Classical Approach to Solving Scheduling Problems.50.462016
Optimal Partial-Order Plan Relaxation via MaxSAT.10.362016
Decomposition Methods For The Parallel Machine Scheduling Problem With Setups150.642016
Mathematical Programming Models for Optimizing Partial-Order Plan Flexibility.10.352016
Decomposition Methods for the Travelling Purchaser Problem.00.342016
Logic-Based Decomposition Methods For The Travelling Purchaser Problem20.402016
Mixed Integer Programming models for job shop scheduling: A computational analysis.00.342016
Using Metric Temporal Logic to Specify Scheduling Problems.00.342016
Constraint Programming For Strictly Convex Integer Quadratically-Constrained Problems00.342016
A two-stage coupled algorithm for an integrated maintenance planning and flowshop scheduling problem with deteriorating machines60.432015
Combining Discrete Ellipsoid-Based Search and Branch-and-Cut for Binary Quadratic Programming Problems.10.352014
Modeling, Global Constraints, and Decomposition.00.342013
Flexible execution of partial order plans with temporal constraints60.472013
Scheduling a dynamic aircraft repair shop with limited repair resources60.552013
Introduction to the special issue on constraint modelling and reformulation00.342013
Instance-Specific Remodelling of Planning Domains by Adding Macros and Removing Operators.30.402013
Post-design analysis for building and refining AI planning systems30.432013
Hybrid Queueing Theory and Scheduling Models for Dynamic Environments with Sequence-Dependent Setup Times.00.342013
Recent Improvements Using Constraint Integer Programming for Resource Allocation and Scheduling.30.392013
Optimally Relaxing Partial-Order Plans with MaxSAT.40.402012
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