INRIA Rhone Alpes, 655 Ave Europe, F-38334 Montbonnot St Martin, Saint Ismier, France
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Solving infinite-horizon Dec-POMDPs using Finite State Controllers within JESP00.342021
Heuristic Search Value Iteration for Zero-Sum Stochastic Games00.342021
On the Importance of Attention in Meta-Learning for Few-Shot Text Classification.00.342018
rho-POMDPs have Lipschitz-Continuous epsilon-Optimal Value Functions.10.352018
Comparison Of Pediatric And Adult Ecg Rhythm Analysis By Automated External Defibrillators During Out-Of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest00.342018
Recherche heuristique pour jeux stochastiques (à somme nulle).00.342018
Mixed Reality Navigation on a Tablet Computer for Supporting Machine Maintenance in Wide-Area Indoor Environment.00.342014
Simulation-based behavior tracking of pedestrians in partially observed indoor environments20.502014
Direct drawing on 3D shapes with automated camera control40.432014
Physiologically Informed Bayesian Analysis of ASL fMRI Data.40.472014
Simultaneous Tracking and Activity Recognition (STAR) using Advanced Agent-Based Behavioral Simulations.00.342014
Towards the Usage of Advanced Behavioral Simulations for Simultaneous Tracking and Activity Recognition.00.342014
Hemodynamically informed parcellation of cerebral FMRI data00.342014
Precise Pointing Techniques For Handheld Augmented Reality70.522013
Bayesian joint detection-estimation of cerebral vasoreactivity from ASL fMRI data.40.522013
Bayesian Bold And Perfusion Source Separation And Deconvolution From Functional Asl Imaging40.522013
Multi-session extension of the joint-detection framework in fMRI.10.362013
Multiple objective branch and bound for mixed 0-1 linear programming: Corrections and improvements for the biobjective case80.502013
Fast joint detection-estimation of evoked brain activity in event-related FMRI using a variational approach.281.152013
Photo-Shoot Localization Of A Mobile Camera Based On Registered Frame Data Of Virtualized Reality Models00.342013
Handheld Augmented Reality: Effect of registration jitter on cursor-based pointing techniques.50.482013
Group-level impacts of within- and between-subject hemodynamic variability in fMRI.150.712013
Hemodynamic-informed parcellation of fMRI data in a joint detection estimation framework.30.422012
Adaptive experimental condition selection in event-related fMRI.10.362012
Robust voxel-wise joint detection estimation of brain activity in fMRI.00.342012
Near-Optimal BRL using Optimistic Local Transitions211.032012
Variational solution to the joint detection estimation of brain activity in fMRI.40.422011
Active learning of MDP models00.342011
TouchOver: decoupling positioning from selection on touch-based handheld devices30.382011
Impact Of The Joint Detection-Estimation Approach On Random Effects Group Studies In Fmri40.482011
Min-max Extrapolation Scheme for Fast Estimation of 3D Potts Field Partition Functions. Application to the Joint Detection-Estimation of Brain Activity in fMRI80.602011
A Closer Look at MOMDPs160.842010
Spatially Adaptive Mixture Modeling for Analysis of fMRI Time Series431.852010
A POMDP Extension with Belief-dependent Rewards.261.002010
Fast bilinear extrapolation of 3D ising field partition function. application to fMRI image analysis.30.452009
Robust extrapolation scheme for fast estimation of 3D ising field partition functions: application to within-subject fMRI data analysis.70.582009
Modelling the neurovascular habituation effect on fMRI time series50.512009
Sensitivity Analysis Of Parcellation In The Joint Detection-Estimation Of Brain Activity In Fmri90.782008
Improved fMRI group studies based on spatially varying non-parametric BOLD signal modeling30.452008
A fully Bayesian approach to the parcel-based detection-estimation of brain activity in fMRI.401.912008
Construction de systèmes multi-agents par apprentissage collectif à base d'interactions10.422007
Spatial Mixture Modelling For The Joint Detection-Estimation Of Brain Activity In Fmri101.112007
Un formalisme pour la construction automatique d'interactions dans les SMA réactifs (article court).00.342004
A new swarm mechanism based on social spiders colonies: from web weaving to region detection241.702003
Du collectif pour la satisfaction individuelle : un modèle d'auto-organisation00.342003
Survey of compressed domain audio features and their expressiveness10.372003
How social spiders inspired an approach To region detection50.622002