Department of Computer and Information Science, Indiana University, Purdue University, Indianapolis, IN
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Service-Oriented Reliability Modeling and Autonomous Optimization of Reliability for Public Cloud Computing Systems00.342022
Unrepairable system with single production unit and n failure-prone identical parallel storage units00.342022
Co-residence based data theft game in cloud system with virtual machine replication and cancellation00.342022
Unrepairable system with consecutively used imperfect storage units00.342022
Using kamikaze components in multi-attempt missions with abort option00.342022
Optimizing the maximum filling level of perfect storage in system with imperfect production unit00.342022
Optimal sequencing of elements activation in 1-out-of-n warm standby system with storage00.342022
Minimizing mission cost for production system with unreliable storage00.342022
Heterogeneous 1-out-of-n standby systems with limited unit operation time00.342022
Mission Aborting in <italic>n</italic>-Unit Systems With Work Sharing00.342022
Optimal Shock-Driven Switching Strategies With Elements Reuse In Heterogeneous Warm-Standby Systems00.342021
Optimization Of Cyclic Preventive Replacement In Homogeneous Warm-Standby System With Reusable Elements Exposed To Shocks00.342021
Dynamic Task Distribution Balancing Primary Mission Work And Damage Reduction Work In Parallel Systems Exposed To Shocks00.342021
Influence Of Storage On Mission Success Probability Of M-Out-Of-N Standby Systems With Reusable Elements00.342021
State-based mission abort policies for multistate systems10.352020
Mission abort policy optimization for series systems with overlapping primary and rescue subsystems operating in a random environment20.362020
Enabling Efficient and Geometric Range Query With Access Control Over Encrypted Spatial Data.180.572019
Optimal Spot-Checking for Collusion Tolerance in Computer Grids00.342019
Feature selection based on feature interactions with application to text categorization.40.372019
Personalized Search Over Encrypted Data With Efficient and Secure Updates in Mobile Clouds.250.692018
Co-optimization of state dependent loading and mission abort policy in heterogeneous warm standby systems.30.392018
Optimal work distribution and backup frequency for two non-identical work sharing elements.00.342018
Querying in Internet of Things with Privacy Preserving: Challenges, Solutions and Opportunities.70.412018
Heterogeneous standby systems with shocks-driven preventive replacements.00.342018
Optimization of dynamic spot-checking for collusion tolerance in grid computing.00.342018
Optimizing availability of heterogeneous standby systems exposed to shocks.10.362018
Connectivity evaluation and optimal service centers allocation in repairable linear consecutively connected systems.00.342018
Optimal data partitioning in cloud computing system with random server assignment.90.452017
Reliability Versus Expected Mission Cost and Uncompleted Work in Heterogeneous Warm Standby Multiphase Systems.10.352017
Reliability of multi-state systems with free access to repairable standby elements.50.432017
Optimal arrangement of connecting elements in linear consecutively connected systems with heterogeneous warm standby groups.10.362017
Optimal loading of series parallel systems with arbitrary element time-to-failure and time-to-repair distributions.40.442017
Cryptmdb: A Practical Encrypted Mongodb Over Big Data00.342017
Optimal Scheduling and Management on Correlating Reliability, Performance, and Energy Consumption for Multiagent Cloud Systems.30.372017
A Fast Algorithm to Compute Maximum k-Plexes in Social Network Analysis.20.392017
Optimal Periodic Inspections and Activation Sequencing Policy in Standby Systems With Condition-Based Mode Transfer00.342017
Optimization of Component Allocation/Distribution and Sequencing in Warm Standby Series-Parallel Systems.10.352017
Heterogeneous Warm Standby Multi-Phase Systems With Variable Mission Time.70.512016
Optimization of Full vs. Incremental Periodic Backup Policy00.342016
Heterogeneous Non-Repairable Warm Standby Systems With Periodic Inspections50.482016
A Hierarchical Correlation Model for Evaluating Reliability, Performance, and Power Consumption of a Cloud Service130.662016
Optimal task partition and state-dependent loading in heterogeneous two-element work sharing system.30.392016
Reliability-Performance-Energy Joint Modeling and Optimization for a Big Data Task00.342016
Non-Homogeneous 1-Out-of- Warm Standby Systems With Random Replacement Times70.432015
On Information Coverage For Location Category Based Point-Of-Interest Recommendation160.612015
Optimal backup frequency in system with random repair time20.382015
Enabling Efficient Multi-Keyword Ranked Search Over Encrypted Mobile Cloud Data Through Blind Storage471.312015
Effect of Failure Propagation on Cold vs. Hot Standby Tradeoff in Heterogeneous 1-Out-of- :G Systems80.462015
Optimal choice of standby modes in 1-out-of-N system with respect to mission reliability and cost20.372015
Diverse multi-keyword ranked search over encrypted cloud data supporting range query00.342015
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