Space Research Institute NASU-SSAU, Glushkov Ave, 40, build. 4/1, 03680 Kyiv, Ukraine
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Validation of the Global Human Settlement Layer and NASA Population Data for Ukraine00.342021
Automatic Deforestation Detection based on the Deep Learning in Ukraine00.342021
A workflow for Sustainable Development Goals indicators assessment based on high-resolution satellite data10.402020
Cloud Approach to Automated Crop Classification Using Sentinel-1 Imagery30.442020
Crop monitoring technology based on time series of satellite imagery10.362020
Developing food, water and energy nexus workflows20.412020
Sentinel-3 Urban Heat Island Monitoring and analysis for Kyiv Based on Vector Data00.342019
Winter Wheat Yield Assessment from Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 Data: Incorporating Surface Reflectance, Through Phenological Fitting, into Regression Yield Models.10.362019
Land Cover and Land Use Monitoring Based on Satellite Data within World Bank Project00.342019
Roadside collection of training data for cropland mapping is viable when environmental and management gradients are surveyed10.362019
Deep Learning Classification of Land Cover and Crop Types Using Remote Sensing Data.541.952017
Towards an Improved Environmental Understanding of Land Surface Dynamics in Ukraine Based on Multi-Source Remote Sensing Time-Series Datasets from 1982 to 2013.00.342016
Parcel-Based Crop Classification in Ukraine Using Landsat-8 Data and Sentinel-1A Data.30.462016
Deep learning approach for large scale land cover mapping based on remote sensing data fusion20.412016
A Unified Cropland Layer at 250 m for Global Agriculture Monitoring20.402016
Validation Methods For Regional Retrospective High Resolution Land Cover For Ukraine00.342016
Efficiency Assessment of Multitemporal C-Band Radarsat-2 Intensity and Landsat-8 Surface Reflectance Satellite Imagery for Crop Classification in Ukraine.20.422016
Along The Season Crop Classification In Ukraine Based On Time Series Of Optical And Sar Images Using Ensemble Of Neural Network Classifiers10.372016
Building a Data Set over 12 Globally Distributed Sites to Support the Development of Agriculture Monitoring Applications with Sentinel-280.582015
Regional Retrospective High Resolution Land Cover For Ukraine: Methodology And Results60.592015
Parcel based classification for agricultural mapping and monitoring using multi-temporal satellite image sequences20.422015
Geospatial Intelligence and Data Fusion Techniques for Sustainable Development Problems.50.632015
Quantitative estimation of drought risk in Ukraine using satellite data00.342014
A Utility-Based Reputation Model for Grid Resource Management System.00.342014
Efficiency assessment of using satellite data for crop area estimation in Ukraine.40.642014
Service-oriented infrastructure for flood mapping using optical and SAR satellite data.20.452014
The use of satellite SAR imagery to crop classification in Ukraine within JECAM project60.692014
Resilience Aspects in the Sensor Web Infrastructure for Natural Disaster Monitoring and Risk Assessment Based on Earth Observation Data00.342014
Orthorectification of Sich-2 satellite images using elastic models00.342014
Efficiency estimation of different satellite data usage for winter wheat yield forecasting in Ukraine10.382014
Assessment of relative efficiency of using MODIS data to winter wheat yield forecasting in Ukraine60.742013
Sensor Web approach to flood monitoring and risk assessment00.342013
Use of the Earth Observing One (EO-1) Satellite for the Namibia SensorWeb Flood Early Warning Pilot60.542013
Assessing security threat scenarios for utility-based reputation model in grids40.392013
Winter wheat yield forecasting in Ukraine based on Earth observation, meteorological data and biophysical models.161.432013
The wide area grid testbed for flood monitoring using earth observation data131.412012
Crop area estimation in Ukraine using satellite data within the MARS project121.322012
The Data Fusion Grid Infrastructure: Project Objectives and Achievements20.392010
Grid and sensor web technologies for environmental monitoring152.442009
Web service for biodiversity estimation using remote sensing data10.632008
Grid system for flood extent extraction from satellite images91.272008