Forschungszentrum Informat, D-76137 Karlsruhe, Germany
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Park my Car! Automated Valet Parking with Different Vehicle Automation Levels by V2X Connected Smart Infrastructure.00.342021
Pushing ROS towards the Dark Side: A ROS-based Co-Simulation Architecture for Mixed-Reality Test Systems for Autonomous Vehicles10.402020
Learning To Predict Ego-Vehicle Poses For Sampling-Based Nonholonomic Motion Planning00.342019
From G<sup>2</sup> to G<sup>3</sup> Continuity: Continuous Curvature Rate Steering Functions for Sampling-Based Nonholonomic Motion Planning10.412018
The sleepwalker framework: Verification and validation of autonomous vehicles by mixed reality LiDAR stimulation00.342018
Making Bertha Cooperate-Team AnnieWAY's Entry to the 2016 Grand Cooperative Driving Challenge.10.382018
Fully convolutional neural networks for dynamic object detection in grid maps40.462017
Semi-Supervised Spiking Neural Network for One-Shot Object Appearance Learning.00.342017
Autonomous navigation for reconfigurable snake-like robots in challenging, unknown environments.40.432017
Contextual learning and sharing autonomy to assist mobile robot by trajectory prediction10.352016
Autonomous Multi-Story Navigation For Valet Parking00.342016
Precise Vehicle Localization In Dense Urban Environments00.342016
Lane-precise localization of intelligent vehicles using the surrounding object constellation00.342016
Autonomous driving.00.342015
Online And Incremental Contextual Task Learning And Recognition For Sharing Autonomy To Assist Mobile Robot Teleoperation10.352015
RRT∗-Connect: Faster, asymptotically optimal motion planning.40.432015
Statistical Modelling of Object Detection in Stereo Vision-Based Driver Assistance.00.342014
Performance evaluation and statistical analysis of algorithms for ego-motion estimation10.372014
Reactive posture behaviors for stable legged locomotion over steep inclines and large obstacles.00.342014
Robust, Marker-Based Head Tracking for Testing Cognitive Vehicles in the Loop.00.342014
Context Aware Shared Autonomy For Robotic Manipulation Tasks20.432013
Batch-Mode Active Learning For Traffic Sign Recognition00.342013
Energy Efficient Driving And Operation Strategies Based On Situation Awareness And Reasoning00.342012
Autonomous Navigation of a Personal Transporter within Moving Human Groups Using Reactive Control.00.342012
Driver head pose and gaze estimation based on multi-template ICP 3-D point cloud alignment90.552012
A model-based approach to probabilistic situation assessment for driver assistance systems70.682011
Probabilistic driving style determination by means of a situation based analysis of the vehicle data70.552011
A ray-shooting based quality measurement for grasping and manipulation00.342011
Traffic intersection situation description ontology for advanced driver assistance60.612011
Lane confidence fusion for visual occupancy estimation30.642011
Anticipatory energy saving assistant for approaching slower vehicles30.522011
Physical road marker property estimation using monoscopic vision00.342010
On-road vehicle detection during dusk and at night30.422010
Fast and reliable recognition of supplementary traffic signs20.462010
Proactive avoidance of moving obstacles for a service robot utilizing a behavior-based control60.652010
Flexible fusion of 2D images and 3D time of flight data using plane segmentation00.342010
3d-Segmentation Of Traffic Environments With U/V-Disparity Supported By Radar-Given Masterpoints20.442010
Advanced technical cognitive systems for mobility assistance.00.342010
Autonomous Inspection of Complex Environments by Means of Semantic Techniques10.432009
Die sechsbeinige Laufmaschine LAURON IVc.00.342009
Dexterous manipulation planning of objects with surface of revolution50.532008
Planning regrasp operations for a multifingered robotic hand50.502008
Regelungsstrategie für zweibeiniges elastisches Laufen mittels "Virtual Model Control10.382007
Using Case-Based Reasoning For Autonomous Vehicle Guidance40.482007
Hinderniserkennung und -verfolgung mit einer PMD-kamera im automobil00.342007
Entwurf einer semantischen Missionssteuerung für autonome Serviceroboter10.432007
Kamera-basierte Erkennung von Geschwindigkeitsbeschränkungen auf deutschen Straßen.00.342007
PMD basierte Fahrspurerkennung und -Verfolgung für Fahrerassistenzsysteme00.342007
Grasp planning: Find the contact points80.802007
Localization of Walking Robots141.102005
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