Department of Computer Science and Bioimaging Research Center, The University of Georgia, Athens, GA
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Deep Fusion of Brain Structure-Function in Mild Cognitive Impairment00.342021
Classification of Mild Cognitive Impairment by Fusing Neuroimaging and Gene Expression Data - Classification of Mild Cognitive Impairment by Fusing Neuroimaging and Gene Expression Data.00.342021
Exploring the Functional Difference of Gyri/Sulci via Hierarchical Interpretable Autoencoder00.342021
Identifying Configurational Abnormalities in Alzheimer’S Disease Progression Using Multi-View Structure Connectome00.342019
Experimental Comparisons of Sparse Dictionary Learning and Independent Component Analysis for Brain Network Inference from fMRI Data.30.372019
A Cascaded Multi-modality Analysis in Mild Cognitive Impairment.00.342019
Analyzing Mild Cognitive Impairment Progression Via Multi-View Structural Learning00.342019
Accessing Latent Connectome of Mild Cognitive Impairment via Discriminant Structure Learning00.342019
Discovering hierarchical common brain networks via multimodal deep belief network.20.372019
Exploring Latent Structures Of Alzheimer'S Disease Via Structure Learning00.342018
Exploring Fiber Skeletons via Joint Representation of Functional Networks and Structural Connectivity.00.342018
Efficient Test-Time Predictor Learning With Group-Based Budget.00.342018
Large-scale Feature Selection of Risk Genetic Factors for Alzheimer's Disease via Distributed Group Lasso Regression.00.342017
Classification of Major Depressive Disorder via Multi-Site Weighted LASSO Model.10.352017
Embedded sparse representation of fMRI data via group-wise dictionary optimization.00.342016
Population Learning Of Structural Connectivity By White Matter Encoding And Decoding10.352016
Group-wise consistent cortical parcellation based on connectional profiles.10.352016
Anatomy-guided Dense Individualized and Common Connectivity-based Cortical Landmarks (A-DICCCOL).20.402015
Sparse representation of whole-brain fMRI signals for identification of functional networks.371.512015
Genetic Analysis Of Structural Brain Connectivity Using Dicccol Models Of Diffusion Mri In 522 Twins00.342015
Towards Robust and Specific Causal Discovery from fMRI00.342015
Heritability Of Brain Network Topology In 853 Twins And Siblings10.382015
Holistic atlases of functional networks and interactions reveal reciprocal organizational architecture of cortical function.381.852015
Integrating group-wise functional brain activities via point processes00.342014
Group-wise FMRI activation detection on DICCCOL landmarks.00.342014
Connectomics signature for characterizaton of mild cognitive impairment and schizophrenia.10.402014
Group-wise connection activation detection based on DICCCOL00.342014
Group-wise optimization and individualized prediction of structural connectomes10.412014
Group-wise consistent cortical parcellation based on DTI-derived connectional profiles.10.382014
Generalized fMRI activation detection via Bayesian magnitude change point model10.372014
Intrinsic Functional Component Analysis Via Sparse Representation On Alzheimer'S Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Database20.382014
Sparse representation of working memory processes based on fMRI data00.342014
Group-wise optimization of common brain landmarks with joint structural and functional regulations.00.342014
Discovering network-level functional interactions from working memory fMRI data00.342014
Fusing DTI and fMRI data: A survey of methods and applications.170.882014
Detecting cell assembly interaction patterns via Bayesian based change-point detection and graph inference model40.542014
Decoding Auditory Saliency from FMRI Brain Imaging10.352014
Dynamic network partition via Bayesian connectivity bi-partition change point model10.372014
Exploring functional brain dynamics via a Bayesian connectivity change point model60.652014
Predictive models of resting state networks for assessment of altered functional connectivity in MCI.00.342013
Representing and retrieving video shots in human-centric brain imaging space.401.162013
Meta-analysis of functional roles of DICCCOLs.91.152013
Construction of multi-scale brain networks via DICCCOL landmarks10.362013
FMRI signal analysis using empirical mean curve decomposition.50.472013
Identifying functional connectomics abnormality in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder00.342013
Discovering common functional connectomics signatures00.342013
Sparse representation of higher-order functional interaction patterns in task-based FMRI data.80.472013
Modeling Cognitive Processes via Multi-stage Consistent Functional Response Detection00.342013
Anatomy-guided discovery of large-scale consistent connectivity-based cortical landmarks.00.342013
Group-wise FMRI activation detection on corresponding cortical landmarks.00.342013
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