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Haplotype-aware variant selection for genome graphs00.342022
Real-Time Mapping Of Nanopore Raw Signals10.342021
Efficient Parallel Sparse Symmetric Tucker Decomposition for High-Order Tensors.10.362021
GLAD: Learning Sparse Graph Recovery10.352020
Interval stabbing on the Automata Processor00.342020
On the Complexity of Sequence-to-Graph Alignment00.342020
Distributed enhanced suffix arrays: efficient algorithms for construction and querying00.342019
ParRefCom - Parallel Reference-based Compression of Paired-end Genomics Read Datasets.00.342019
On the Complexity of Sequence to Graph Alignment.10.352019
Faster Computation of Genome Mappability.00.342018
Faster Computation of Genome Mappability with one Mismatch00.342018
An SVM-based method for assessment of transcription factor-DNA complex models.00.342018
Performance extraction and suitability analysis of multi- and many-core architectures for next generation sequencing secondary analysis20.392018
An Alignment-free Heuristic for Fast Sequence Comparisons with Applications to Phylogeny Reconstruction.00.342018
Optimizing high performance distributed memory parallel hash tables for DNA k-mer counting.30.402018
Parallel Exact Dynamic Bayesian Network Structure Learning with Application to Gene Networks00.342017
Introduction to HiCOMB Workshop00.342017
Parallel Construction of Suffix Trees and the All-Nearest-Smaller-Values Problem00.342017
Confidence assessment of protein-DNA complex models00.342017
Distributed Memory Partitioning of High-Throughput Sequencing Datasets for Enabling Parallel Genomics Analyses00.342017
Probabilistic estimation of overlap graphs for large sequence datasets00.342017
An Adaptive Parallel Algorithm for Computing Connected Components.40.382017
Reverse Engineering Gene Networks: A Comparative Study at Genome-scale00.342017
Reprint of "A parallel connectivity algorithm for de Bruijn graphs in metagenomic applications".00.342017
Effective Utilization of Paired Reads to Improve Length and Accuracy of Contigs in Genome Assembly.00.342016
HiCOMB Introduction and Committees00.342016
SNVSniffer: an integrated caller for germline and somatic single-nucleotide and indel mutations.00.342016
CHIUW Introduction and Committees.00.342016
An Efficient Algorithm for Finding All Pairs k-Mismatch Maximal Common Substrings.10.362016
Parallel Interval Stabbing on the Automata Processor.00.342016
Kmerind: A Flexible Parallel Library for K-mer Indexing of Biological Sequences on Distributed Memory Systems.20.402016
A Memory and Time Scalable Parallelization of the Reptile Error-Correction Code10.352016
Parallel machine learning approaches for reverse engineering genome-scale networks00.342015
Efficient Alignment Free Sequence Comparison With Bounded Mismatches90.612015
Big data in life sciences and public health.00.342015
A parallel connectivity algorithm for de Bruijn graphs in metagenomic applications162.202015
Parallel framework for dimensionality reduction of large-scale datasets20.402015
Parallel Mutual Information Based Construction of Genome-Scale Networks on the Intel®Xeon Phi™ Coprocessor50.462015
Editorial: Scalable Systems for Big Data Management and Analytics.10.362015
Information Theory Based Genome-Scale Gene Networks Construction Using MapReduce.00.342015
HiCOMB Introduction and Committees00.342015
SNVSniffer: An integrated caller for germline and somatic SNVs based on Bayesian models00.342015
Dtree: Dynamic Task Scheduling At Petascale10.362015
Parallel distributed memory construction of suffix and longest common prefix arrays90.492015
A Review of Hardware Acceleration for Computational Genomics251.032014
All-pairs computations on many-core graphics processors80.492013
HiCOMB Introduction00.342013
Invited: Reverse engineering whole-genome networks00.342012
An algorithmic view on multi-related-segments: a unifying model for approximate common interval00.342012
Workshop: Taxonomic clustering of large-scale metagnomic data00.342012
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