Nagoya Univ, Grad Sch Informat Sci, Chikusa Ku, Aichi 4648603, Japan
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Tracking Pedestrians Under Occlusion in Parking Space00.342023
Developing Reliable Digital Healthcare Service Using Semi-Quantitative Functional Resonance Analysis00.342023
iSotEE: A Hypervisor Middleware for IoT-Enabled Resource-Constrained Reliable Systems.00.342022
Efficient Access Method for Multi-access Edge Servers in Dynamic Map Systems00.342022
Estimation Method of Parking Space Conditions Using Multiple 3D-LiDARs00.342022
A Lightweight Long-Term Vehicular Motion Prediction Method Leveraging Spatial Database and Kinematic Trajectory Data00.342022
Collision Risk Assessment Service for Connected Vehicles: Leveraging Vehicular State and Motion Uncertainties10.352021
Tzmcfi: Rtos-Aware Control-Flow Integrity Using Trustzone For Armv8-M00.342021
Towards Minimizing MAC Utilization for Controller Area Network.00.342020
Balancing Bandwidth Utilization and Interrupts: Two Heuristic Algorithms for the Optimized Design of Automotive CPS.10.362020
Energy-Efficient Intra-Task DVFS Scheduling Using Linear Programming Formulation.00.342019
Energy-Aware Task Allocation for Heterogeneous Multiprocessor Systems by Using Integer Linear Programming.00.342019
Execution-variance-aware task allocation for energy minimization on the big.LITTLE architecture10.342019
Security/Timing-Aware Design Space Exploration of CAN FD for Automotive Cyber-Physical Systems.30.462019
WCRT Analysis and Evaluation for Sporadic Message-Processing Tasks in Multicore Automotive Gateways.10.342019
Exact WCRT Analysis for Message-Processing Tasks on Gateway-Integrated In-Vehicle CAN Clusters.00.342019
Energy-Aware Task Allocation for Large Task Sets on Heterogeneous Multiprocessor Systems00.342018
IDH-CAN: A Hardware-Based ID Hopping CAN Mechanism With Enhanced Security for Automotive Real-Time Applications.10.352018
Towards static recovery of micro state transitions from legacy embedded code.00.342018
A Comparative Analysis of RTOS and Linux Scalability on an Embedded Many-core Processor.00.342018
Improving secure coding rules for automotive software by using a vulnerability database00.342018
Component-Based mruby Platform for IoT Devices.00.342018
Efficient Approach to Ensure Temporal Determinism in Automotive Control Systems10.392018
Tinet Plus Tecs: Component-Based Tcp/Ip Protocol Stack For Embedded Systems00.342017
In-vehicle Distributed Time-critical Data Stream Management System for Advanced Driver Assistance.10.372017
WCRT Analysis of CAN Messages in Gateway-Integrated In-Vehicle Networks.80.452017
Test Program Generator for AUTOSAR OS00.342017
Energy-aware task migration for multiprocessor real-time systems60.442016
AEDSMS: Automotive Embedded Data Stream Management System60.572015
An Integrated Framework for Topology Design of CAN Networks under Real-Time Constraints00.342015
Automatic Synthesis of Inter-heterogeneous-processor Communication for Programmable System-on-chip.00.342015
EDF-PStream: Earliest Deadline First Scheduling of Preemptable Data Streams -- Issues Related to Automotive Applications10.432015
Gateway Modeling and Response Time Analysis on CAN Clusters of Automobiles40.392015
Fast Design-Space Exploration Method for SW/HW Codesign on FPGAs.00.342014
An Integrated Framework For Energy Optimization Of Embedded Real-Time Applications10.362014
Impact of Resource Sharing and Register Retiming on Area and Performance of FPGA-based Designs.10.352014
Task Migration for Energy Saving in Real-Time Multiprocessor Systems00.342014
Task-adaptive inertial parameter estimation of rigid-body dynamics with modeling error for model-based control using covariate shift adaptation00.342014
Toward Data-Centric Software Architecture for Automotive Systems - Embedded Data Stream Processing Approach00.342014
Quantitative Evaluation of Resource Sharing in High-level Synthesis Using Realistic Benchmarks.20.382013
Worst Case Response Time Analysis For Messages In Controller Area Network With Gateway70.492013
Naxim: A Fast and Retargetable Network-on-Chip Simulator with QEMU and SystemC.20.392013
Automated Identification of Performance Bottleneck on Embedded Systems for Design Space Exploration.10.372013
Android Platform Based on Vehicle Embedded Data Stream Processing00.342013
Rainbow: an operating system for software-hardware multitasking on dynamically partially reconfigurable FPGAs40.512013
HR-TECS: Component technology for embedded systems with memory protection50.592013
Reliable device sharing mechanisms for Dual-OS embedded trusted computing30.492012
Efficient Algorithms for Extracting Pareto-optimal Hardware Configurations in DEPS Framework.10.362012
The Worst-Case Response Time Analysis for FIFO-based Offset Assigned CAN Messages.30.412012
A Fast Network-on-Chip Simulator with QEMU and SystemC30.402012
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