Universität Paderborn,Paderborn,Deutschland
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What Are We Talking About When We Talk About Technology Pivots? – A Delphi Study00.342020
Criteria as a prelude for guiding taxonomy evaluation00.342020
Toss a Coin to your Host - How Guests End up Paying for the Cost of Regulatory Policies00.342020
Software tools for business model innovation: current state and future challenges20.382020
Business Model Dependencies - Towards Conceptualizing Dependencies for Extending Modeling Languages for Business Models.00.342020
Technologie-Pivots - Warum und wie digitale Start-ups ihr Technologiedesign umfassend anpassen.00.342020
Reviewing the Vendor or the Product - Analyzing Vendor versus Product Representation in B2B Review Systems.00.342019
A Semi-Automated Approach for Generating Online Review Templates (Abstract).00.342019
The App Updating Conundrum - Implications of Platform's Rating Resetting on Developers' Behavior.00.342019
Design of review systems – A strategic instrument to shape online reviewing behavior and economic outcomes20.372019
When does Local Status Matter? - The Relationship between Reviewer Location and Perceived Usefulness of Online Reviews.00.342019
Organizing their Thoughts - How Online Review Templates Affect the Review Text.00.342019
Because Your Taxonomy is Worth IT: towards a Framework for Taxonomy Evaluation.00.342019
What Drives Paid Search Success? A Systematic Literature Review.00.342018
The Role of Technology Pivots in Software Startups - Antecedents and Consequences.00.342018
Decomposing the Variance of Consumer Ratings and the Impact on Price and Demand10.372018
Platform Launch Strategies.10.342018
Design Options of Store-Oriented Software Ecosystems: An Investigation of Business Decisions.00.342018
Higher Education and the Opportunities and Challenges of Educational Technology.00.342018
An Extended Perspective of Technology Pivots in Software Startups - Towards a Theoretical Model.00.342018
Is paid search overrated? When bricks-and-mortar-only retailers should not use paid search.10.382018
A Variability Model for Store-Oriented Software Ecosystems: An Enterprise Perspective.10.362017
Visual Languages for Modeling Business Models: A Critical Review and Future Research Directions.10.352017
Does the Framing of Progress Towards Virtual Rewards Matter? - Empirical Evidence from an Online Community.00.342017
Is it Worth the Effort? - A Decision Model to Evaluate Resource Interactions in IS Project Portfolios.00.342017
Achieving More by Paying Less? How Retailers can Benefit by Bidding Less Aggressively in Paid Search Auctions.00.342017
You can't buy my rating! On the pivotal effect of an unconditional gift on rating behavior.00.342017
Bitte stimmen Sie jetzt ab! - Ein Erfahrungsbericht über das Audience Response System PINGO(Please Vote Now! - A Field Report on the Audience Response System PINGO).00.342017
When in Doubt Follow the Crowd: How Idea Quality Moderates the Effect of an Anchor on Idea Evaluation.00.342017
On-The-Fly Computing.00.342017
How Software Can Support Innovating Business Models: A Taxonomy Of Functions Of Business Model Development Tools00.342017
The Traveling Reviewer Problem - Exploring the Relationship Between Offline Locations and Online Rating Behavior.00.342017
Towards a Lean Approach to Gamifying Education.00.342017
Achieving More by Paying Less? How Bricks-and-Mortar Retailers Can Benefit by Bidding Less Aggressively in Paid Search.00.342017
Over-Paid Search: When Bricks-and-Mortar Retailers Should Not Use Paid Search.00.342017
Money Talks (Even) in the Sharing Economy: Empirical Evidence for Price Effects in Online Ratings as Quality Signals.00.342016
Read this Paper! A field Experiment on the Role of a Call-to-Action in Paid Search.00.342016
Dokumentenorientierte NoSQL-Datenbanken in skalierbaren Webanwendungen.00.342016
Can the Crowd Substitute Experts in Evaluating Creative jobs? The Case of Business Models.00.342016
Features of IT Service Markets: A Systematic Literature Review.30.402016
Goals As Reference Points: Empirical Evidence From A Virtual Reward System10.352016
Creativity Through Cognitive Fit: Theory and Preliminary Evidence in a Business Model Idea Generation Context.00.342015
How do Different Sources of the Variance of Consumer Ratings Matter?00.342015
Beating Irrationality: Does Delegating to IT Alleviate the Sunk Cost Effect?00.342015
Interactions in IS Project Portfolio Selection - Status Quo and Perspectives.30.382015
Behavioral Mechanisms Prompted by Virtual Rewards: The Small-area Hypothesis00.342015
Why Fit Leads to Surprise: An Extension of Cognitive Fit Theory to Creative Problems10.342015
Economics and Value of IS00.342015
Behavioral Mechanisms Prompted by Badges: The Goal-Gradient Hypothesis.20.362014
Are Requirements for Graduates of Master and PhD Programs in Business and Information Systems Engineering Changing?10.642014
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