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Rural Islandness as a Lens for (Rural) HCI00.342021
Considerations for Implementing Technology to Support Community Radio in Rural Communities00.342020
Student Engagement in Sensitive Design Contexts: A Case Study in Dementia Care00.342020
The Struggle for Recognition in Advanced Dementia: Implications for Experience-Centered Design.00.342019
Care and Design - An Ethnography of Mutual Recognition in the Context of Advanced Dementia.10.352019
Printer Pals - Experience-Centered Design to Support Agency for People with Dementia.10.352019
From Her Story, to Our Story: Digital Storytelling as Public Engagement around Abortion Rights Advocacy in Ireland.30.432018
Ticket to Talk: Supporting Conversation between Young People and People with Dementia through Digital Media.10.352018
The Value of Experience-Centred Design Approaches in Dementia Research Contexts.70.482017
Commentary: Making Interactivity Meaningful for Contemporary HCI.00.342017
'I'm a rambler, I'm a gambler, I'm a long way from home': The Place of Props, Music, and Design in Dementia Care.90.512016
Challenges for Designing new Technology for Health and Wellbeing in a Complex Mental Healthcare Context.60.502016
MyRun: balancing design for reflection, recounting and openness in a museum-based participatory platform00.342015
Connected sustainability: connecting sustainability-driven, grass-roots communities through technology20.352015
The politics and aesthetics of participatory HCI40.582015
Creative and Opportunistic Use of Everyday Music Technologies in a Dementia Care Unit70.462015
Making the Invisible Visible: Design to Support the Documentation of Participatory Arts Experiences100.592015
Enabling empathy in health and care: design methods and challenges41.042014
Special topic: Designing for and with vulnerable people60.482014
When noise becomes voice: designing interactive technology for crowd experiences through imitation and invention00.342014
Waves: exploring idiographic design for live performance60.502013
Designing for- and with- vulnerable people171.062013
A design-led inquiry into personhood in dementia442.162013
Configuring participation: on how we involve people in design803.132013
Food for thought: designing for critical reflection on food practices110.742013
Digital portraits: photo-sharing after domestic violence371.502013
Design to promote mindfulness practice and sense of self for vulnerable women in secure hospital services251.042013
Making design probes work201.372013
Sharing narrative and experience: digital stories and portraits at a women's centre100.802012
A VJ centered exploration of expressive interaction221.362011
The enchanting potential of technology: a dialogical case study of enchantment and the Internet80.852008
Aesthetics and experience-centered design784.232008
Empathy and experience in HCI1307.242008
The experience of enchantment in human–computer interaction635.152006
User experience and the idea of design in HCI114.192005
A Practitioner-Centred Assessment Of A User-Experience Framework60.992005
Putting ‘felt-life’ at the centre of human–computer interaction (HCI)262.322005
Technology in place: dialogics of technology, place and self70.692005
From information processing to dialogical meaning making: an experiential approach to cognitive ergonomics30.442004
Dialogues on function allocation40.502000
The paradox of understanding work for design30.462000
The social impact of electronic commerce70.841999
The Viability Of Modelling Socially Organised Activity30.421998
Concerns at work: designing useful procedures40.461998
Accountability of work activity in high-consequence work systems: human error in context91.131997
Deriving Information Requirement in the Design of a Mathematics Workstation for Visually Impaired Students00.341996
Measuring the quality of computer-mediated communication152.291994
The State-of-the-art of CSCW: CSCW Systems, cooperative work and organization41.061994
Mixing oil and water?: Ethnography versus experimental psychology in the study of computer-mediated communication155.371993
Text-based on-line conferencing: a conceptual and empirical analysis using a minimal prototype1210.191993
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