Dept of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
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Preallocation of Electric Buses for Resilient Restoration of Distribution Network: A Data-Driven Robust Stochastic Optimization Method10.362022
Real-Time Task Scheduling for Machine Perception in Intelligent Cyber-Physical Systems50.422022
Cybersecurity Enhancement for Multi-Infeed High-Voltage DC Systems00.342022
On Nash–Stackelberg–Nash games under decision-dependent uncertainties: Model and equilibrium00.342022
Restoration Strategy for Active Distribution Systems Considering Endogenous Uncertainty in Cold Load Pickup00.342022
Analyzing Patterns Transference and Mitigation of Cascading Failures with Interaction Graphs00.342021
An Optimal Placement Model for Electric Springs in Distribution Networks00.342021
Optimal Cyber Defense Strategy of High-Voltage DC Systems for Frequency Deviation Mitigation00.342020
A Novel Evaluation Method of Electric Vehicles Charging Network Based on Stochastic Geometry00.342020
A Robust Statistical Approach to Distributed Power System State Estimation With Bad Data00.342020
Optimized Autonomous Operation Control to Maintain the Frequency, Voltage and Accurate Power Sharing for DGs in Islanded Systems10.372020
An Interconnected Microgrids-Based Transactive Energy System With Multiple Electric Springs10.352020
A Decision-dependent Stochastic Approach for Wind Farm Maintenance Scheduling Considering Wake Effect.00.342020
Markov Decision Process-Based Resilience Enhancement for Distribution Systems: An Approximate Dynamic Programming Approach00.342020
Routing and Scheduling of Mobile Power Sources for Distribution System Resilience Enhancement30.412019
Synchrophasor Recovery and Prediction: A Graph-based Deep Learning Approach20.382019
Interaction analysis of vector- and droop-controlled VSCs in parallel00.342019
Delay Aware Power System Synchrophasor Recovery and Prediction Framework20.382019
PV- Load Decoupling Based Demand Response Baseline Load Estimation Approach for Residential Customer with Distributed PV System00.342019
Multi-Stage Stochastic Planning Of Wind Generation Considering Decision-Dependent Uncertainty In Wind Power Curve00.342019
An Efficient Approach for Optimal Power Flow Considering Shunt Compensation00.342019
Assessing Robustness Of Risk-Constrained Operating Strategies For Power Systems With Renewables By Contamination-Based Technique00.342019
GPU-Based Enumeration Model Predictive Control of Pumped Storage to Enhance Operational Flexibility00.342019
The Effects of Energy Policies on Stimulating Clean Electricity Production of Individual Suppliers00.342019
Enhancing Flexibility of an Islanded Microgrid With Electric Springs.10.352019
Incorporating Wind Energy in Power System Restoration Planning.20.372019
Intelligent Fault Detection Scheme for Microgrids With Wavelet-Based Deep Neural Networks30.432019
Event-triggered Output Feedback Load Frequency Control for Multi-area Power Systems00.342019
Mobile Emergency Generator Pre-Positioning and Real-Time Allocation for Resilient Response to Natural Disasters.70.542018
Inference of Compromised Synchrophasor Units Within Substation Control Networks.10.352018
Stability Of Stator-Flux-Based Controlled Dfig With Weak Ac Grids00.342018
Online False Data Injection Attack Detection With Wavelet Transform and Deep Neural Networks.140.612018
Mitigating the Risk of Cascading Blackouts: A Data Inference Based Maintenance Method.00.342018
Multiperiod Risk-Limiting Dispatch in Power Systems With Renewables Integration.00.342017
Distributed Control of Multiple Electric Springs for Voltage Control in Microgrid.30.372017
A random matrix based high-resistance grounding fault detection method using PMU measurements00.342016
Asymptotic properties of Pearson's rank-variate correlation coefficient in bivariate normal model10.362016
Robust generation dispatch with wind power considering air pollutant dispersion10.382015
Mitigating Voltage and Frequency Fluctuation in Microgrids Using Electric Springs20.372015
Robust Energy and Reserve Dispatch Under Variable Renewable Generation60.752015
A branch-and-cut method for computing load restoration plan considering transmission network and discrete load increment00.342014
Dynamic Maintenance Strategies For Multiple Transformers With Markov Models00.342014
Fault characteristics analysis of two HVDC technologies for wind power integration00.342014
Risk assessment of critical time to renewable operation with steady-state security region00.342014
A comparative analysis of Spearman's rho and Kendall's tau in normal and contaminated normal models110.582013
Risk-based life cycle cost analysis method for transmission systems10.432012
Renewable resource for agricultural ecosystem in China: Ecological benefit for biogas by-product for planting.20.572012
Load/Price Forecasting and Managing Demand Response for Smart Grids: Methodologies and Challenges.321.742012
Life cycle management method for smart grid asset with real option theory10.422012
The Control and Analysis of Self-Healing Urban Power Grid111.302012
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