School of EECS, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
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Making Biased DL Models Work: Message and Key Recovery Attacks on Saber Using Amplitude-Modulated EM Emanations.00.342022
FPGA Design Deobfuscation by Iterative LUT Modifications at Bitstream Level.00.342022
FPGA Design Deobfuscation by Iterative LUT Modifications at Bitstream Level00.342022
Side-Channel Analysis of Saber KEM Using Amplitude-Modulated EM Emanations.00.342022
Towards Generic Power/EM Side-Channel Attacks: Memory Leakage on General-Purpose Computers00.342022
Side-Channel Analysis of the Random Number Generator in STM32 MCUs00.342022
Side-Channel Attacks on Lattice-Based KEMs Are Not Prevented by Higher-Order Masking.00.342022
Advanced Far Field EM Side-Channel Attack on AES00.342021
Multi-Source Training Deep-Learning Side-Channel Attacks00.342020
Breaking ACORN at Bitstream Level00.342020
Tandem Deep Learning Side-Channel Attack Against FPGA Implementation of AES10.412020
Breaking ACORN with a Single Fault.00.342019
How Diversity Affects Deep-Learning Side-Channel Attacks00.342019
Threshold Physical Unclonable Functions00.342019
A Reconfigurable Arbiter PUF with 4 x 4 Switch Blocks10.362018
Lightweight Message Authentication for Constrained Devices.00.342018
Comparison of CRC and KECCAK Based Message Authentication for Resource-Constrained Devices00.342018
On Designing PUF-Based TRNGs with Known Answer Tests10.362018
Message Authentication Based on Cryptographically Secure CRC without Polynomial Irreducibility Test.00.342018
One-Sided Countermeasures for Side-Channel Attacks Can Backfire.00.342018
Mvl-Pufs: Multiple-Valued Logic Physical Unclonable Functions30.402017
TVL-TRNG: Sub-Microwatt True Random Number Generator Exploiting Metastability in Ternary Valued Latches10.392017
Reliable low-overhead arbiter-based physical unclonable functions for resource-constrained IoT devices.00.342017
Two Countermeasures Against Hardware Trojans Exploiting Non-Zero Aliasing Probability of BIST.00.342017
Protecting IMSI and User Privacy in 5G Networks00.342016
A SAT-Based Algorithm for Finding Short Cycles in Shift Register Based Stream Ciphers.00.342016
Physical Unclonable Functions based on Temperature Compensated Ring Oscillators.10.362016
Error-Correcting Message Authentication for 5G00.342016
On Constructing Secure and Hardware-Efficient Invertible Mappings00.342015
CRC-Based Message Authentication for 5G Mobile Technology70.492015
A random access procedure based on tunable puzzles00.342015
A scan partitioning algorithm for reducing capture power of delay-fault LBIST00.342015
Cryptographically Secure CRC for Lightweight Message Authentication.00.342015
Lightweight CRC-based Message Authentication.10.372015
An Equivalence-Preserving Transformation of Shift Registers.20.362014
Keyed logic BIST for Trojan detection in SoC50.442014
Synthesis of power- and area-efficient binary machines for incompletely specified sequences10.352014
Secure and efficient LBIST for feedback shift register-based cryptographic systems30.442014
Energy-efficient message authentication for IEEE 802.15.4-based wireless sensor networks00.342014
An Algorithm for Constructing a Minimal Register with Non-linear Update Generating a Given Sequence10.342014
Secure Key Storage Using State Machines10.362013
On-chip area-efficient binary sequence storage10.352013
A Scalable Method for Constructing Galois NLFSRs with Period 2n-1 using Cross-Join Pairs.00.342013
Double-Edge Transformation for Optimized Power Analysis Suppression Countermeasures00.342013
Embedding of Deterministic Test Data for In-Field Testing00.342013
A Faster Shift Register Alternative to Filter Generators00.342013
A BDD-Based Method for LFSR Parallelization with Application to Fast CRC Encoding.10.362013
An Improved Hardware Implementation of the Quark Hash Function.00.342013
An Algorithm for Constructing a Smallest Register with Non-Linear Update Generating a Given Binary Sequence.10.352013
An improved hardware implementation of the grain-128a stream cipher70.842012
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