Univ Toulouse 3, CNRS, CNES, CESBIO,IRD, 18 Av Edouard Belin, F-31401 Toulouse, France
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Non-intrusive in-situ permittivity measurements dedicated to the development of a P and L band dielectric model of wood.00.342021
BIOMASS Level-2 Products - Part I - Rationale and Applications.00.342021
Biomass Level-2 Products - Part II - Processing Schemes and AGB Estimation Results from Campaign Data.00.342021
Polarimetric SAR Tomography for the Characterization of Forested Areas.00.342021
Improvement Prospects of DTM Reconstruction from P-Band SAR Tomography Over Tropical Dense Forests.00.342021
Comparison of Biomass Acquisition Modes for the Characterization of Forests.00.342021
The BIOMASS Level 2 Prototype Processor: Design and Experimental Results of Above-Ground Biomass Estimation.00.342020
Temporal Decorrelation of Tropical Dense Forest at C-Band: First Insights From the TropiScat-2 Experiment00.342020
Estimation and Mapping of Forest Structure Parameters from Open Access Satellite Images: Development of a Generic Method with a Study Case on Coniferous Plantation00.342019
Biomass L2 Prototype Processor - Current Status.00.342019
Potential of Sentinel-1 Data for Monitoring Temperate Mixed Forest Phenology.00.342018
In Situ Reference Datasets From the TropiSAR and AfriSAR Campaigns in Support of Upcoming Spaceborne Biomass Missions.00.342018
Comparative Analysis of Temporal Decorrelation at P-Band and Low L-Band Frequencies Using a Tower-Based Scatterometer Over a Tropical Forest.00.342017
Relating P-Band SAR Intensity to Biomass for Tropical Dense Forests in Hilly Terrain: $\gamma^0$ or $t^0$ ?00.342015
Temporal Coherence of Tropical Forests at P-Band: Dry and Rainy Seasons30.462015
First Results Of Afriscat, A Tower-Based Radar Experiment In African Forest10.372015
Capabilities of BIOMASS Tomography for Investigating Tropical Forests100.692015
Biomass retrieval from P-band polarimetric and interferometric SAR data, challenges and recent results10.432014
Vertical Structure of P-Band Temporal Decorrelation at the Paracou Forest: Results From TropiScat.90.652014
Biomass tomography: A new opportunity to observe the earth forests00.342014
Assessing SAR tomography BIOMASS retrieval method at a mountainous tropical forest00.342014
Temporal Survey of Polarimetric P-Band Scattering of Tropical Forests.60.642014
Relating P-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar Tomography to Tropical Forest Biomass80.662014
Biomass of dense forests related to L-band SAR backscatter?00.342014
Ground-Based Array for Tomographic Imaging of the Tropical Forest in P-Band100.822013
Temporal decorrelation in tropical forest: results from TropiScat and implications for BIOMASS tomography.00.342013
TropiSCAT: A Ground Based Polarimetric Scatterometer Experiment in Tropical Forests151.262012
Assessment of tropical forest biomass: A challenging objective for the biomass mission10.482012
TropiSCAT: A polarimetric and tomographic scatterometer experiment in French Guiana forests.00.342012
The TropiSAR Airborne Campaign in French Guiana: Objectives, Description, and Observed Temporal Behavior of the Backscatter Signal.291.952012
Forest microwave backscatter modelling at P Band: Temperate pine forest00.342012
Biomass assessment in african forest-savanna using ALOS PALSAR data00.342012
Relating tropical forest biomass to P-band SAR tomography20.402012
Specific biomass indicator for tropical dense forests over hilly terrains derived from the P-band SAR coherency matrix.30.662012
Topography effects on forest radar scattering, consequences on biomass retrieval00.342010
Bistatic Pol-InSAR Scenario and Evaluation by Forest Scattering Simulations00.342008
Bistatic foliage penetration modelling10.762007
Bistatic Border Effects Modelling In Forest Scattering31.002007