Dip. di Ingegneria Elettrica ed Elettronica, Università di Cagliari, Piazza dArmi - 09123 Cagliari, Italy
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A Polynomial Approach to Verifying the Existence of a Threatening Sensor Attacker00.342022
Design of supervisors for linear marking specifications in labeled Petri nets10.352022
Distributed Fiedler Vector Estimation With Application to Desynchronization of Harmonic Oscillator Networks.00.342021
Diagnosability enforcement in labeled Petri nets using supervisory control00.342021
Verification of Detectability for Unambiguous Weighted Automata10.352021
Parametric transformation of timed weighted marked graphs: applications in optimal resource allocation20.362021
Divergence properties of labeled Petri nets and their relevance for diagnosability analysis00.342020
Computation of Admissible Marking Sets in Weighted Synchronization-Free Petri Nets by Dynamic Programming10.352020
Comments on “A new approach for the verification of infinite-step and K-step opacity using two-way observers” [Automatica 80 (2017) 162–171]10.362020
Marking Estimation in a Class of Time Labeled Petri Nets20.362020
A Nonlinear Perron-Frobenius Approach for Stability and Consensus of Discrete-Time Multi-Agent Systems00.342020
An improved approach for marking optimization of timed weighted marked graphs00.342019
A Two-Step Approach For Fault Diagnosis Of Max-Plus Automata00.342019
Influence Maximization in Independent Cascade Networks Based on Activation Probability Computation.00.342019
On Consistent Reduction in Discrete-Event Systems00.342019
Influence minimization in linear threshold networks.00.342019
Performance Optimization for Timed Weighted Marked Graphs Under Infinite Server Semantics.10.352018
Guest editorial: special issue on performance analysis and optimization of discrete event systems.00.342018
On detectability of labeled Petri nets with inhibitor arcs.00.342018
Computation Of Activation Probabilities In The Independent Cascade Model00.342018
Computation of synchronizing sequences for a class of 1-place-unbounded synchronized Petri nets00.342018
Lyapunov-Free Analysis for Consensus of Nonlinear Discrete- Time Multi-Agent Systems.00.342018
Characterization of Admissible Marking Sets in Petri Nets With Conflicts and Synchronizations.120.452017
Basis Marking Representation of Petri Net Reachability Spaces and Its Application to the Reachability Problem.220.662017
Optimization of Deterministic Timed Weighted Marked Graphs.30.372017
Finite-Time Consensus on the Median Value With Robustness Properties.120.632017
Deployment of Applications in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Gossip-Based Lifetime Maximization Approach.40.392016
Cycle Time Optimization For Deterministic Timed Weighted Marked Graphs Under Infinite Server Semantics00.342016
Synchronizing sequences on a class of unbounded systems using synchronized Petri nets.30.382016
On the enforcement of a class of nonlinear constraints on Petri nets310.662015
Distributed Task Assignment Based on Gossip with Guaranteed Performance on Heterogeneous Networks*10.362015
Comments on "Maximally permissive supervisor synthesis based on a new constraint transformation method" [Automatica 48 (2012), 1097-1101].40.402015
Design of Optimal Petri Net Controllers for Disjunctive Generalized Mutual Exclusion Constraints330.722015
Fast discrete consensus based on gossip for makespan minimization in networked systems40.432015
Finite-time consensus on the median value by discontinuous control50.442014
Testing Experiments on Unbounded Systems: Synchronizing Sequences Using Petri Nets.20.382014
Marking optimization of deterministic timed weighted marked graphs40.422014
A Constraint Transformation Technique for Petri Nets with Certain Uncontrollable Structures.40.432014
Observation Equivalence of Petri Net Generators.30.412014
Testing Experiments on Synchronized Petri Nets50.492014
Finite-time consensus with disturbance attenuation for directed switching network topologies by discontinuous local interactions.30.432013
Decentralized Diagnosis of Discrete-Event Systems Using Labeled Petri Nets.60.812013
Petri net controllers for disjunctive Generalized Mutual Exclusion Constraints30.412013
General observation structures for Petri nets60.472013
Optimal Piecewise Affine Approximations of Nonlinear Functions Obtained from Measurements00.342012
Finite-Time Consensus Based Clock Synchronization by Discontinuous Control20.402012
A comparison among tools for the diagnosability of discrete event systems20.392012
A New Approach for Diagnosability Analysis of Petri Nets Using Verifier Nets.371.452012
Special issue on recent trends in discrete event systems00.342012
On decentralized observability of discrete event systems10.362011
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