Institute for Software- & Systems-Engineering, Universität Augsburg, Augsburg, Germany
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Security Assurance Cases-State Of The Art Of An Emerging Approach00.342021
Design Decisions in the Construction of Traceability Information Models for Safe Automotive Systems00.342021
Collaborative traceability management: a multiple case study from the perspectives of organization, process, and culture00.342020
The state of adoption and the challenges of systematic variability management in industry40.442020
Impact of Gamification on Trace Link Vetting - A Controlled Experiment.00.342019
Visualization of feature locations with the tool featuredashboard00.342019
Facilitating entrepreneurial experiences through a software engineering project course10.362019
Coping strategies for temporal, geographical and sociocultural distances in agile GSD: a case study00.342019
Using Essence in a Software Development Methodologies Course - An Experience Report.00.342019
A generic traceability metamodel for enabling unified end-to-end traceability in software product lines.00.342019
Providing a baseline in software process improvement education with lego scrum simulations.00.342018
Software traceability in the automotive domain: Challenges and solutions.10.352018
Involving External Stakeholders in Project Courses.40.472018
Special issue: Trust management.00.342018
Tackling combinatorial explosion: a study of industrial needs and practices for analyzing highly configurable systems.50.412018
Vetting Automatically Generated Trace Links: What Information is Useful to Human Analysts?00.342018
No silver brick: Opportunities and limitations of teaching Scrum with Lego workshops.20.402017
Crunch Time: The Reasons and Effects of Unpaid Overtime in the Games Industry.00.342017
App4mc: Application Platform Project For Multi- And Many-Core Systems00.342017
The Next Generation of Socio-Technical Systems : Realizing the Potential, Protecting the Value [Introduction].00.342017
Change is Afoot: Applying Change Management Theories to Self-Organizing Socio-Technical Systems.10.382017
Impact of the Use of Industrial Modelling Tools on Modelling Education40.452016
Traceability maintenance: factors and guidelines.80.512016
Teaching Agile: addressing the conflict between project delivery and application of Agile methods.100.682016
An ISO 26262 Compliant Design Flow and Tool for Automotive Multicore Systems.00.342016
Collaborative Traceability Management: Challenges and Opportunities10.362016
Capra: A Configurable and Extendable Traceability Management Tool40.452016
Social Concepts in Self-organising Systems (Dagstuhl Seminar 15482).20.712015
Combining Posomas Method Content With Scrum: Agile Software Engineering For Open Self-Organising Systems00.342015
Abstraction of Heterogeneous Supplier Models in Hierarchical Resource Allocation.00.342015
Partial Valuation Structures for Qualitative Soft Constraints.40.392015
On integrating graphical and textual editors for a UML profile based domain specific language: an industrial experience40.442015
Cooperative Resource Allocation in Open Systems of Systems50.422015
Robust Scheduling in a Self-Organizing Hierarchy of Autonomous Virtual Power Plants.70.442014
Posomas: An Extensible, Modular Se Process For Open Self-Organising Systems10.362014
Synthesised constraint models for distributed energy management20.372014
Synthesis and Abstraction of Constraint Models for Hierarchical Resource Allocation Problems.90.482014
An Effective Implementation of Norms in Trust-Aware Open Self-Organising Systems20.372014
Trust-Based Scenarios - Predicting Future Agent Behavior in Open Self-organizing Systems.30.432013
Model-driven synthesis of monitoring infrastructure for reliable adaptive multi-agent systems.70.602013
Constraint Relationships for Soft Constraints.70.562013
A System of Systems Approach to the Evolutionary Transformation of Power Management Systems.171.072013
A Decentralized Multi-agent Algorithm for the Set Partitioning Problem.50.552012
Die Guten, die Bösen und die Vertrauenswürdigen - Vertrauen im Organic Computing.20.472012
Self-organized Middle-Out Abstraction10.362011
Design and Simulation of a Wave-like Self-Organization Strategy for Resource-Flow Systems.30.402010
A formal framework for compositional verification of organic computing systems50.422010
On deadlocks and fairness in self-organizing resource-flow systems20.392010
Trustworthy organic computing systems: challenges and perspectives331.742010
A Universal Self-Organization Mechanism for Role-Based Organic Computing Systems120.572009
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