Department of Technology, Policy and Management, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
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Business model archetypes for data marketplaces in the automotive industry00.342022
The Role of Ecosystem Data Governance in Adoption of Data Platforms by Internet-of-Things Data Providers: Case of Dutch Horticulture Industry00.342022
Business Data Sharing through Data Marketplaces: A Systematic Literature Review00.342021
Emergence of collective digital innovations through the process of control point driven network reconfiguration and reframing: the case of mobile payment00.342020
Business model tooling: where research and practice meet10.362020
Towards Generic Business Models of Intermediaries in Data Collaboratives - From Gatekeeping to Data Control.00.342020
Mobile Payment: The Hiding Impact of Learning Costs on User Intentions10.352020
How do business model tools facilitate business model exploration? Evidence from action research00.342020
Digital Healthcare Technology Adoption by Elderly People: A Capability Approach Model00.342020
Digital platforms and responsible innovation: expanding value sensitive design to overcome ontological uncertainty00.342020
Consumer studies on Digital Platforms Adoption and continuance: a Structured literature Review.00.342019
Designing business model tooling for business model exploration - An experimental design for evaluation.00.342018
The digital platform: a research agenda.260.982018
Launch strategies for multi-sided data analytics platforms.00.342018
Tooling for Internet-of-Things Business Model Exploration - a Design Science Research Approach.00.342018
Overcoming blockages to Collective Innovation in Digital Infrastructures: the Case of Mobile Payment.00.342017
eHealth adoption factors in medical hospitals: A focus on the Netherlands.00.342017
Use of Facebook and Google Platforms for SMEs Business Model Innovation.00.342017
The Role of Organizational Strategy in the User-centered Design of Mobile Applications.00.342017
Applying Agile Design Sprint Methods in Action Design Research: Prototyping a Health and Wellbeing Platform.10.412016
Designing an ICT tooling platform to support SME business model innovation: Results of a first design cycle.00.342016
Prototyping A Health And Wellbeing Platform: An Action Design Research Approach20.402016
The disruptive impact of digitalization on the automotive ecosystem: a research agenda on business models, platforms and consumer issues.00.342016
Can privacy concerns for insurance of connected cars be compensated?40.482016
Action Design Research for Social Innovation: Lessons from Designing a Health and Wellbeing Platform.00.342016
Business Model Innovation in European SMEs: some preliminary findings.00.342016
Effectiveness of control mechanisms in mobile platform ecosystem.40.422016
The interplay of costs, trust and loyalty in a service industry in transition: The moderating effect of smartphone adoption00.342015
Collective action for mobile payment platforms: A case study on collaboration issues between banks and telecom operators.30.462015
Designing Viable Multi-sided Data Platforms: The Case of Context-Aware Mobile Travel Applications.00.342015
Mobile Platforms and Ecosystems70.452015
Exploring factors that influence information sharing choices of organizations in networks.00.342015
Buying-off privacy concerns for mobility services in the Internet-of-things era: A discrete choice experiment on the case of mobile insurance.00.342015
Prototyping a Health and Wellbeing Platform in a Living Lab Setting10.372015
Stakeholder Preferences for Mobile Payment Security Platforms: Understanding Trade-offs Between SIM, Embedded and Cloud-based Secure Elements.00.342015
Over The Top Mobile TV: A Field Trial by Public and Commercial Broadcasters.00.342014
A Consumer Perspective On Mobile Service Platforms: A Conjoint Analysis Approach30.402014
Mobile customer segmentation based on smartphone measurement190.982014
Introduction to the special issue on Lifestyle and Mobile Communication00.342014
From eParticipation to mobile participation: Designing a service platform and business model for mobile participation60.492013
Social Media Data Relevant for Measuring Key Performance Indicators? A Content Analysis Approach.30.622013
Collective action for a common service platform for independent living services.70.522013
Should mobile Internet be an extension to the fixed web? Fixed-mobile reinforcement as mediator between context of use and future use120.652013
Opening Up the Smart Home: A Classification of Smart Living Service Platforms20.422013
Impact of Galileo commercial service on location-based service providers: business model analysis and policy implications00.342013
Designing a Matchmaking Platform for Smart Living Services.10.392013
Cooperative networks: the mobile tethering game.00.342012
Context, Gender and Intended Use of Mobile Messaging, Entertainment and Social Media Services20.412012
Do Consumers Care about Mobile Service Platforms? A Conjoint Analysis on Consumer Preference for Mobile Platforms.00.342012
Mobile Converged Rich Communication Services: A Conjoint Analysis60.642012
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