Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, Murray Hill, NJ
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Adaptive Sketching for Fast and Convergent Canonical Polyadic Decomposition00.342020
Thwarting finite difference adversarial attacks with output randomization.00.342019
Quantifying error contributions of computational steps, algorithms and hyperparameter choices in image classification pipelines.00.342019
Short Paper: Creating Adversarial Malware Examples using Code Insertion.00.342019
Deep density ratio estimation for change point detection.10.342019
Generation & Evaluation of Adversarial Examples for Malware Obfuscation.10.352019
Cybersecurity in the Era of Data Science: Examining New Adversarial Models00.342019
Focal onset seizure prediction using convolutional networks.130.782018
Learning filter widths of spectral decompositions with wavelets.00.342018
Accelerating a Distributed CPD Algorithm for Large Dense, Skewed Tensors00.342018
Cell-graphs: image-driven modeling of structure-function relationship10.362017
A computational study on convolutional feature combination strategies for grade classification in colon cancer using fluorescence microscopy data.10.342017
Environmental Authentication in Malware.00.342017
Model coupling for predicting a developmental patterning process.00.342016
From Image to Translation: Processing the Endangered Nyushu Script.10.372016
A machine learning approach to quantifying noise in medical images.00.342016
Adapting to data sparsity for efficient parallel PARAFAC tensor decomposition in Hadoop00.342016
Prediction of Growth Factor-Dependent Cleft Formation During Branching Morphogenesis Using A Dynamic Graph-Based Growth Model.60.412016
Seizure Prediction by Graph Mining, Transfer Learning, and Transformation Learning10.412015
Context-Aware Entity Morph Decoding10.372015
Graph-theoretic analysis of epileptic seizures on scalp EEG recordings40.482014
Be Appropriate And Funny: Automatic Entity Morph Encoding10.382014
Biologically-driven cell-graphs for breast tissue grading30.462013
Global Changes in the Connectome in Autism Spectrum Disorders.20.392013
On the Security of Key Extraction From Measuring Physical Quantities100.492013
Cell-based multi-parametric model of cleft progression during submandibular salivary gland branching morphogenesis.20.392013
Follicular lymphoma grading using cell-graphs and multi-scale feature analysis80.522012
Effective graph classification based on topological and label attributes321.122012
A novel dynamic graph-based computational model for predicting salivary gland branching morphogenesis00.342012
Visualization of tuberculosis patient and Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex genotype data via host-pathogen maps00.342011
Classification of breast cancer grades through quantitative characterization of ductal structure morphology in three-dimensional cultures00.342011
On passive inference attacks against physical-layer key extraction?100.582011
Data-driven insights into deletions of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex chromosomal DR region using spoligoforests.00.342011
Quantitative metric profiles capture three-dimensional temporospatial architecture to discriminate cellular functional states.40.522011
Examining the sublineage structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex strains with multiple-biomarker tensors00.342010
ECM-aware cell-graph mining for bone tissue modeling and classification181.192010
On anonymity in an electronic society: A survey of anonymous communication systems451.362009
Minimum delay routing for wireless networks with STDMA70.762009
Privacy-Preserving Information Markets for Computing Statistical Data20.412009
Analysis of Load-Balanced Switch with Finite Buffers60.562008
Contention-free MAC protocols for asynchronous wireless sensor networks80.472008
Multiway modeling and analysis in stem cell systems biology.131.062008
Multiway analysis of epilepsy tensors.875.062007
Combinatorial Design of Key Distribution Mechanisms for Wireless Sensor Networks1526.792007
Joint problem of power optimal connectivity and coverage in wireless sensor networks120.772007
Decentralized detector generation in cooperative intrusion detection systems50.552007
A Combinatorial Approach to Measuring Anonymity431.422007
Robust key generation from signal envelopes in wireless networks1578.292007
Expander Graph Based Key Distribution Mechanisms In Wireless Sensor Networks111.152006
Collective sampling and analysis of high order tensors for chatroom communications141.742006
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