INESC ID, KDBIO Grp, Lisbon, Portugal
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Learning Prognostic Models Using Disease Progression Patterns: Predicting the Need for Non-Invasive Ventilation in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis00.342022
Impact of metrics on biclustering solution and quality: A review10.402022
Mining Actionable Patterns of Road Mobility From Heterogeneous Traffic Data Using Biclustering10.342022
G-Tric: Generating Three-Way Synthetic Datasets With Triclustering Solutions00.342021
Learning dynamic Bayesian networks from time-dependent and time-independent data: Unraveling disease progression in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis00.342021
FleBiC: Learning classifiers from high-dimensional biomedical data using discriminative biclusters with non-constant patterns20.372021
Targeting the uncertainty of predictions at patient-level using an ensemble of classifiers coupled with calibration methods, Venn-ABERS, and Conformal Predictors: A case study in AD.20.362020
Patient Stratification Using Clinical and Patient Profiles - Targeting Personalized Prognostic Prediction in ALS.10.362020
Predictive Medicine Using Interpretable Recurrent Neural Networks.00.342020
Unravelling Disease Presentation Patterns in ALS Using Biclustering for Discriminative Meta-Features Discovery.10.362020
Towards Triclustering-Based Classification of Three-Way Clinical Data - A Case Study on Predicting Non-invasive Ventilation in ALS.00.342020
An Architecture Based on Fuzzy Systems for Personalized Medicine in ICUs.00.342019
Triclustering Algorithms for Three-Dimensional Data Analysis: A Comprehensive Survey.30.372019
Predicting Non-invasive Ventilation in ALS Patients Using Stratified Disease Progression Groups.10.362018
Ensemble learning with Conformal Predictors: Targeting credible predictions of conversion from Mild Cognitive Impairment to Alzheimer's Disease.00.342018
Neuropsychological predictors of conversion from mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer's disease: a feature selection ensemble combining stability and predictability.10.362018
BSig: evaluating the statistical significance of biclustering solutions.20.362018
BicPAMS: software for biological data analysis with pattern-based biclustering.80.692017
Predicting progression of mild cognitive impairment to dementia using neuropsychological data: a supervised learning approach using time windows.30.702017
Erratum to: BicPAMS: software for biological data analysis with pattern-based biclustering.00.342017
Towards a reliable prediction of conversion from Mild Cognitive Impairment to Alzheimer's Disease: stepwise learning using time windows.10.432017
Improving Prognostic Prediction from Mild Cognitive Impairment to Alzheimer's Disease Using Genetic Algorithms.00.342017
Towards Trustworthy Predictions of Conversion from Mild Cognitive Impairment to Dementia: A Conformal Prediction Approach.00.342017
BiC2PAM: constraint-guided biclustering for biological data analysis with domain knowledge.70.412016
BicNET: Flexible module discovery in large-scale biological networks using biclustering.80.422016
Prognostic models based on patient snapshots and time windows: Predicting disease progression to assisted ventilation in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.30.412015
Biclustering with Flexible Plaid Models to Unravel Interactions between Biological Processes90.462015
Generative modeling of repositories of health records for predictive tasks30.392015
BicNET: Efficient Biclustering of Biological Networks to Unravel Non-Trivial Modules20.372015
A structured view on pattern mining-based biclustering220.902015
Multi-period classification: learning sequent classes from temporal domains00.342015
BicPAM: Pattern-based biclustering for biomedical data analysis.210.612014
BicSPAM: flexible biclustering using sequential patterns.170.512014
The Yeastract Database: An Upgraded Information System For The Analysis Of Gene And Genomic Transcription Regulation In Saccharomyces Cerevisiae301.422014
Mining coherent evolution patterns in education through biclustering.00.342014
Latebiclustering: efficient heuristic algorithm for time-lagged bicluster identification50.412014
Heuristic approaches for time-lagged biclustering10.342013
A Workflow for the Application of Biclustering to Mass Spectrometry Data.00.342013
Methods for the Efficient Discovery of Large Item-Indexable Sequential Patterns.80.432013
Towards A Classification Approach Using Meta-Biclustering: Impact Of Discretization In The Analysis Of Expression Time Series10.352012
Prognostic Prediction Using Clinical Expression Time Series: Towards a Supervised Learning Approach Based on Meta-biclusters.10.362012
Parallel e-CCC-Biclustering: Mining Approximate Temporal Patterns in Gene Expression Time Series Using Parallel Biclustering.10.372012
AliBiMotif: Integrating alignment and biclustering to unravel transcription factor binding sites in DNA sequences00.342012
Yeastract: Providing A Programmatic Access To Curated Transcriptional Regulatory Associations In Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Through A Web Services Interface391.672011
Baiacu: A Tool for the Visual Analysis of the Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Regulatory Network.00.342011
Biclustering-Based Classification of Clinical Expression Time Series: A Case Study in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis.30.422011
TFRank: network-based prioritization of regulatory associations underlying transcriptional responses.40.512011
PINTA: a web server for network-based gene prioritization from expression data.190.782011
Prognostic Prediction Through Biclustering-Based Classification Of Clinical Gene Expression Time Series70.582011
Babelomics: an integrative platform for the analysis of transcriptomics, proteomics and genomic data with advanced functional profiling.311.362010
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