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Exploring Users’ Experiences of “Suggested Posts” in Social Media Through the Lens of Social Networking and Interactions00.342022
Exploring the Use of a Voice-based Conversational Agent to Empower Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder00.342021
Teaching-Learning Interaction: A New Concept for Interaction Design to Support Reflective User Agency in Intelligent Systems00.342021
Guiding Preferred Driving Style Using Voice in Autonomous Vehicles: An On-Road Wizard-of-Oz Study00.342021
Understanding How Users Experience the Physiological Expression of Non-humanoid Voice-based Conversational Agent in Healthcare Services00.342021
MirrorPad: Mirror on Touchpad for Direct Pen Interaction in the Laptop Environment00.342020
Investigating User Expectations on the Roles of Family-shared AI Speakers00.342020
PlayMaker: a participatory design method for creating entertainment application concepts using activity data00.342019
Designing Personalities of Conversational Agents.00.342019
Ten-Minute Silence - A New Notification UX of Mobile Instant Messenger.00.342019
Co-Performing Agent - Design for Building User-Agent Partnership in Learning and Adaptive Services.00.342019
Leveraging Personality to Design Expression for AI Based Embodied Agents.00.342019
Too Close and Crowded: Understanding Stress on Mobile Instant Messengers based on Proxemics00.342018
Designing Health-Promoting Technologies with IoT at Home.00.342018
FutureSelf: What Happens When We Forecast Self-Trackers? Future Health Statuses?10.352017
Soma-Based Design Theory.00.342017
Possibilities and Limitations of Online Document Tools for Design Collaboration: The Case of Google Docs.40.422017
How and Why I Cheated On My App: User Experience of Cheating Physical Activity Exergame Applications.00.342017
Beauty and the Beast: An IoT Design Method Based on Improvisational Acting.10.362017
Timelessness: User Experience of unplanned Smartphone Use.00.342016
From Research Prototype to Research Product.290.862016
Design Opportunities in Three Stages of Relationship Development between Users and Self-Tracking Devices.20.372016
Value of culturally oriented information design00.342016
SCI-FI: Shape-Changing Interfaces, Future Interactions.20.362016
Dwelling Places in KakaoTalk: Understanding the Roles and Meanings of Chatrooms in Mobile Instant Messengers50.412015
Pause Moment Experience in SNS Communication00.342015
Understanding the Roles and Influences of Mediators from Multiple Social Channels for Health Behavior Change40.472015
Transdisciplinary Interaction Design in Design Education20.482015
User experience in do-it-yourself-style smart homes260.892015
Non-finito products: a new design space of user creativity for personal user experience120.662014
Towards more natural digital content manipulation via user freehand gestural interaction in a living room130.992013
Discovery-Driven Prototyping for User-Driven Creativity110.592013
Touch or remote: comparing touch-and remote-type interfaces for short distance wireless device connection00.342013
Fragmentation and transition: understanding perceptions of virtual possessions among young adults in Spain, South Korea and the United States140.732013
Clipoid: an augmentable short-distance wireless toolkit for 'accidentally smart home' environments30.442012
Exploring the effects of size on deformable user interfaces60.432012
iSpace: interactivity expression for self-expression in an online communication environment20.382012
Interaction-driven design: a new approach for interactive product development30.662012
Disappearing interfaces30.432012
Explorative research on the heat as an expression medium: focused on interpersonal communication151.002012
Explorative research on the heat as an expression medium: focused on interpersonal communication151.002012
Interactivity sketcher: crafting and experiencing interactivity qualities40.492011
My own-style interaction: exploring individuals' preferences to interactivity10.402011
Handscope: enabling blind people to experience statistical graphics on websites through haptics30.432011
Altruistic interaction design: a new interaction design approach for making people care more about others10.372011
A long-term study of user experience towards interaction designs that support behavior change40.452011
The effect of eco-driving system towards sustainable driving behavior80.772010
Thermo-message: exploring the potential of heat as a modality of peripheral expression231.682010
Why we cannot work without paper even in a computerized work environment30.452009
Focus group interview for designing a growing robot50.602009
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