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An interview with Xin Xia - 2022 SIGSOFT Awardee.00.342022
Modelling and Analysing Replica- and Fault-aware Management of Horizontally Scalable Applications00.342022
Self-healing trans-cloud applications00.342022
Trending Topics in Software Engineering.00.342022
Software Engineering After the COVID-19 Outbreak.00.342022
An interview with Miryung Kim - 2022 SIGSOFT Awardee.00.342022
The Mu Tosca Toolchain: Mining, Analyzing, And Refactoring Microservice-Based Architectures10.362021
FaaSten your decisions: A classification framework and technology review of function-as-a-Service platforms30.422021
Preface To The Special Issue On Coordination And Self-Adaptiveness Of Software Applications00.342021
Automated Generation of Configurable Cloud-Native Chaos Testbeds.00.342021
What Went Wrong? Explaining Cascading Failures in Microservice-Based Applications.00.342021
Advances in Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing - International Workshops of ESOCC 2020, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, September 28-30, 2020, Revised Selected Papers00.342021
Pattern-based Modelling, Integration, and Deployment of Microservice Architectures10.392020
Technology-Agnostic Declarative Deployment Automation of Cloud Applications.00.342020
Finding Feasible Application Deployments in Edge Clusters, with Limited Resources.00.342020
Fine-Grained Management Of Cloud-Native Applications, Based On Tosca00.342020
Design Principles, Architectural Smells And Refactorings For Microservices: A Multivocal Review00.342020
TOSCA Lightning - An Integrated Toolchain for Transforming TOSCA Light into Production-Ready Deployment Technologies.10.372020
Software Engineering Worldwide00.342020
Mining the Architecture of Microservice-Based Applications from their Kubernetes Deployment.10.372020
Component-aware Orchestration of Cloud-based Enterprise Applications, from TOSCA to Docker and Kubernetes00.342020
Pains and Gains of Peer-Reviewing in Software Engineering00.342020
Testing Conformance in Multi-component Enterprise Application Management.00.342020
Preface to the Special Issue on Foundations of Coordination Languages and Self-Adaptive Systems (Foclasa 2018)00.342020
Robust Management of Trans-Cloud Applications00.342019
The Essential Deployment Metamodel: A Systematic Review Of Deployment Automation Technologies50.442019
Grey Literature: A Safe Bridge Between Academy and Industry?00.342019
The EDMM Modeling and Transformation System.00.342019
Identifying Failure Causalities in Multi-component Applications.00.342019
Cloud Container Technologies: a State-of-the-Art Review250.942019
Estimating costs of multi-component enterprise applications.00.342019
Design principles, architectural smells and refactorings for microservices: A multivocal review.00.342019
Freshening the Air in Microservices - Resolving Architectural Smells via Refactoring.00.342019
True Concurrent Management of Multi-component Applications.00.342018
A microservice-based architecture for (customisable) analyses of Docker images.00.342018
Fault-aware management protocols for multi-component applications.60.462018
Analysing Multiple QoS Attributes in Parallel Design Patterns-Based Applications.00.342018
TosKer: A synergy between TOSCA and Docker for orchestrating multicomponent applications.00.342018
Explaining Successful Docker Images Using Pattern Mining Analysis.10.362018
On Enhancing the Orchestration of Multi-container Docker Applications.00.342018
Orchestrating incomplete TOSCA applications with Docker.00.342018
The pains and gains of microservices: A Systematic grey literature review.271.122018
Simulation-based matching of cloud applications.20.372018
Sommelier: A Tool for Validating TOSCA Application Topologies.00.342017
DockerFinder: Multi-attribute Search of Docker Images30.432017
From (Incomplete) TOSCA Specifications to Running Applications, with Docker.20.392017
Towards a Reference Dataset of Microservice-Based Applications.10.362017
DrACO: Discovering available cloud offerings.30.392017
Container-Based Support for Autonomic Data Stream Processing Through the Fog.00.342017
TosKer: Orchestrating Applications with TOSCA and Docker.00.342017
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