Univ Westminster, Harrow Sch Comp Sci, London W1B 2UW, England
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Highly Efficient Balanced Power Amplifiers for 4G Applications00.342018
An adaptive fuzzy logic system for the compensation of nonlinear distortion in wireless power amplifiers.00.342018
An intelligent decision support system for the detection of meat spoilage using multispectral images.00.342017
A fuzzy-wavelet neural network model for the detection of meat spoilage using an electronic nose20.512016
Neuro-fuzzy based identification of meat spoilage using an electronic nose10.362016
An adaptive neuro-fuzzy identification model for the detection of meat spoilage50.522014
Point-of-care diagnosis of bacterial pathogens in vitro, utilising an electronic nose and wavelet neural networks00.342014
An intelligent based decision support system for the detection of meat spoilage30.572014
Modeling of survival curves in food microbiology using fuzzy wavelet neural networks00.342013
A Clustering-Based Fuzzy Wavelet Neural Network Model For Short-Term Load Forecasting260.942013
Power load forecasting using adaptive fuzzy inference neural networks.10.432012
Mining anomalous events against frequent sequences in surveillance videos from commercial environments10.342012
Identification of the Listeria monocytogenes survival curves in UHT whole milk utilising local linear wavelet neural networks50.742012
A decision support system for EEG signals based on adaptive fuzzy inference neural networks10.362011
Advances in intelligent systems00.342011
Power load forecasting using extended normalised radial basis function networks00.342011
Discovery of events with negative behavior against given sequential patterns30.382010
Classification of stabilometric time-series using an adaptive fuzzy inference neural network system10.342010
Entity appearance model generation for multimedia events in surveillance videos00.342010
A new method for digital encoder adaptive velocity/acceleration evaluation using a TDC with picosecond accuracy30.432009
An intelligent decision support system for bacterial clinical isolates in vitro utilising an electronic nose10.362009
Application of neural networks as a non-linear modelling technique in food mycology70.852009
Special Issue: Advances In Medical Intelligent Decision Support Systems00.342009
Data Mining Techniques For Hiv/Aids Data Management In Thailand00.342008
Adaptive High-Performance Velocity Evaluation Based on a High-Resolution Time-to-Digital Converter30.502008
Terrain-Based Navigation for Underwater Vehicles Using an Ultrasonic Scanning System10.372008
Artificial odor discrimination system using electronic nose and neural networks for the identification of urinary tract infection.131.072008
Data Mining an EEG Dataset With an Emphasis on Dimensionality Reduction20.432007
A neuro-fuzzy-based system for detecting abnormal patterns in wireless-capsule endoscopic images170.822007
The usage of soft-computing methodologies in interpreting capsule endoscopy120.862007
Decision support systems in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy: Revisited10.442007
HumanPT: Architecture for Low Cost Robotic Applications20.472006
Attribute selection for EEG signal classification using rough sets and neural networks20.522006
A software engineering framework for biomedical diagnostic systems00.342006
EEG Signal Classification Using Wavelet Feature Extraction and Neural Networks503.492006
pH Neutralization Through Internet00.342006
Neuro-control of unmanned underwater vehicles60.572006
An Automated Anomaly EEG Detection Algorithm using Discrete Wavelet Transforms00.342005
Intelligent classification of bacterial clinical isolates in vitro, using an array of gas sensors60.702005
Intelligent gas-sensing systems for bacterial clinical isolates in vitro classification00.342005
Identification of urinary track infections using soft computing techniques00.342005
Detecting abnormalities in capsule endoscopic images by textural description and neural networks00.342005
Representation of factual and temporal unawareness in electronic patient records00.342005
The Use Of Gas-Sensor Arrays To Diagnose Urinary Tract Infections80.782005
User controlled filtering in WEB usage mining00.342005
A Neurofuzzy Methodology for the Diagnosis of Wireless-Capsule Endoscopic Images10.362005
On uncertainty and data-warehouse design10.362004
An Application of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Relational Databases in Football Match Result Predictions20.372004
Representation & Querying of Temporal Conflict10.362002
Forecasting Financial Time Series using Neural Network and Fuzzy System-based Techniques472.542002
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