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mcBERT: Momentum Contrastive Learning with BERT for Zero-Shot Slot Filling00.342022
Quality Estimation Using Dual Encoders with Transfer Learning.00.342021
Exploration of Effective Attention Strategies for Neural Automatic Post-editing with Transformer00.342021
Gated Dynamic Convolutions With Deep Layer Fusion For Abstractive Document Summarization00.342021
Word Reordering for Translation into Korean Sign Language Using Syntactically-guided Classification00.342020
A text-based visual context modulation neural model for multimodal machine translation.00.342020
JBNU at SemEval-2020 Task 4 - BERT and UniLM for Commonsense Validation and Explanation.00.342020
POSTECH-ETRI's Submission to the WMT2020 APE Shared Task - Automatic Post-Editing with Cross-lingual Language Model.00.342020
POSTECH Submission on Duolingo Shared Task00.342020
Noising Scheme for Data Augmentation in Automatic Post-Editing.00.342020
Listening-Oriented Response Generation By Exploiting User Responses00.342020
News credibility scroing - suggestion of research methodology to determine the reliability of news distributed in SNS.00.342019
Decay-Function-Free Time-Aware Attention to Context and Speaker Indicator for Spoken Language Understanding.00.342019
Design of Efficient Key Video Frame Protection Scheme for Multimedia Internet of Things (IoT) in Converged 5G Network.10.392019
Quality Improvement Algorithm for HDR Video Compression Based on HEVC00.342018
New Vehicle Verification Scheme for Blind Spot Area Based on Imaging Sensor System.00.342017
A job applicants' résumé verification method using a social network analysis Using Facebook like as Linkedin for a recruiting00.342017
Fast encoding algorithm for high-efficiency video coding (HEVC) system based on spatio-temporal correlation.70.652016
Recurrent Neural Network based Translation Quality Estimation.50.412016
A Recurrent Neural Networks Approach for Estimating the Quality of Machine Translation Output.20.432016
Subtopic Mining Based on Three-Level Hierarchical Search Intentions.00.342016
Fast intra mode decision algorithm based on local binary patterns in High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC)40.432015
Partial-update dimensionality reduction for accumulating co-occurrence events00.342014
The KLE's Subtopic Mining System for the NTCIR-11 IMine Task.00.342014
Postech's System Description for Medical Text Translation Task00.342014
A New Fast Encoding Algorithm Based on Motion Activity for High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC)00.342014
Postech's System Description for Medical Text Translation Task.00.342014
Identifying top news stories based on their popularity in the blogosphere40.402014
The KLE's Subtopic Mining System for the NTCIR-10 INTENT-2 Task.00.342013
Utilizing local evidence for blog feed search40.532012
A novel approach for finding alternative clusterings using feature selection00.342012
Method of mining subtopics using dependency structure and anchor texts20.392012
Memory-restricted latent semantic analysis to accumulate term-document co-occurrence events00.342012
Forest-to-string translation using binarized dependency forest for IWSLT 2012 OLYMPICS task.00.342012
The KLE's Subtopic Mining System for the NTCIR-9 INTENT Task.00.342011
Graph-Based Dependency Parsing Using Dynamic Features in Korean.00.342011
Multi-word unit dependency forest-based translation rule extraction00.342011
The POSTECH's statistical machine translation system for the IWSLT 2010.00.342010
Transferring Syntactic Relations of Subject-Verb-Object Pattern in Chinese-to-Korean SMT.00.342010
Chinese Syntactic Reordering through Contrastive Analysis of Predicate-predicate Patterns in Chinese-to-Korean SMT.00.342010
Evaluating multilanguage-comparability of subjectivity analysis systems80.582010
The POSTECH's Statistical Machine Translation Systems for the NTCIR-8 Patent Translation Task.00.342010
Partially Supervised Phrase-Level Sentiment Classification20.412009
Method of Extracting Is-A and Part-Of Relations Using Pattern Pairs in Mass Corpus.00.342009
Conveying Subjectivity of a Lexicon of One Language into Another Using a Bilingual Dictionary and a Link Analysis Algorithm20.402009
Discovering the discriminative views: measuring term weights for sentiment analysis210.822009
An improved feedback approach using relevant local posts for blog feed retrieval60.542009
Annotation Guidelines for Chinese-Korean Word Alignment20.422008
Automatic Extraction of English-Chinese Transliteration Pairs using Dynamic Window and Tokenizer.10.372008
English Opinion Analysis for NTCIR7 at POSTECH.20.402008
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