IRISA – INRIA, Rennes, France
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Towards unsupervised classification of macromolecular complexes in cryo electron tomography: Challenges and opportunities00.342022
STracking: a free and open-source Python library for particle tracking and analysis00.342022
DCT2net: An Interpretable Shallow CNN for Image Denoising00.342022
3D Flow Field Estimation and Assessment for Live Cell Fluorescence Microscopy.00.342020
An Overview Of Diffusion Models For Intracellular Dynamics Analysis00.342020
A sequential algorithm to detect diffusion switching along intracellular particle trajectories00.342020
ATMAD: robust image analysis for Automatic Tissue MicroArray De-arraying.00.342018
A Sparse-To-Dense Method For 3d Optical Flow Estimation In 3d Light-Microscopy Image Sequences00.342018
A Variational Method for Dejittering Large Fluorescence Line Scanner Images.00.342018
Nonlocal Means and Optimal Weights for Noise Removal.50.492017
Spatially-Variant Kernel for Optical Flow Under Low Signal-to-Noise Ratios Application to Microscopy00.342017
An extended model of vesicle fusion at the plasma membrane to estimate protein lateral diffusion from TIRF microscopy images.00.342017
Piecewise-Stationary Motion Modeling and Iterative Smoothing to Track Heterogeneous Particle Motions in Dense Environments.20.392017
A Guided Tour of Selected Image Processing and Analysis Methods for Fluorescence and Electron Microscopy.60.462016
Aggregation of local parametric candidates with exemplar-based occlusion handling for optical flow.120.792016
An Adaptive Statistical Test To Detect Non Brownian Diffusion From Particle Trajectories10.352016
Counting-Based Particle Flux Estimation for Traffic Analysis in Live Cell Imaging.00.342016
A Variational Aggregation Framework for Patch-Based Optical Flow Estimation.30.412016
A common image representation and a patch-based search for correlative light-electron-microscopy (CLEM) registration00.342016
Introduction to the Issue on Advanced Signal Processing in Microscopy and Cell Imaging.00.342016
Détection de spots avec sélection d'échelle automatique et seuillage adaptatif en microscopie de fluorescence.00.342015
Optical flow modeling and computation: A survey.220.932015
Sparse Aggregation Framework for Optical Flow Estimation.10.342015
Automatic Core Segmentation And Registration For Fast Tissue Microarray De-Arraying10.362015
Background Fluorescence Estimation and Vesicle Segmentation in Live Cell Imaging With Conditional Random Fields80.572015
Detection And Estimation Of Membrane Diffusion During Exocytosis In Tirfm Image Sequences20.422015
Estimation of the flow of particles within a partition of the image domain in fluorescence video-microscopy10.352014
Recovery of motion patterns and dominant paths in videos of crowded scenes20.352014
SLT-LoG: A vesicle segmentation method with automatic scale selection and local thresholding applied to TIRF microscopy.00.342014
Approximate Bayesian computation, stochastic algorithms and non-local means for complex noise models00.342014
PEWA: Patch-based Exponentially Weighted Aggregation for image denoising.30.442014
Robust parametric stabilization of moving cells with intensity correction in light microscopy image sequences.00.342013
Correlation And Variational Approaches For Motion And Diffusion Estimation In Fluorescence Imaging10.342013
Frame-by-frame crowd motion classification from affine motion models.00.342013
A Maximum Likelihood method for lifetime estimation in photon counting-based Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy10.342013
Lifetime estimation of moving vesicles in frequency-domain fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy20.472012
Tracking growing axons by particle filtering in 3d+t fluorescent two-photon microscopy images20.372012
Semi-local variational optical flow estimation10.352012
Lifetime map reconstruction in frequency-domain fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy20.422012
Multiscale NeighborhoodWise Decision Fusion for Redundancy Detection in Image Pairs.10.352011
Patch-based nonlocal functional for denoising fluorescence microscopy image sequences.180.982010
Evaluation of image sequence additive decomposition algorithms for membrane analysis in fluorescence video-microscopy00.342009
Computational Geometry-Based Scale-Space and Modal Image Decomposition60.552009
A simulation and estimation framework for intracellular dynamics and trafficking in video-microscopy and fluorescence imagery.60.572009
Nonlocal means-based speckle filtering for ultrasound images.1273.532009
Local Adaptivity to Variable Smoothness for Exemplar-Based Image Regularization and Representation613.202008
Otolith Image Analysis by Computer Vision00.342008
Patch-based Markov models for event detection in fluorescence bioimaging.20.402008
An optimized blockwise nonlocal means denoising filter for 3-D magnetic resonance images.24610.452008
3D wavelet subbands mixing for image denoising.271.672008
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