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Efficient microscopy image analysis on CPU-GPU systems with cost-aware irregular data partitioning00.342022
A Fault Tolerant and Deadline Constrained Sequence Alignment Application on Cloud-Based Spot GPU Instances00.342021
MASA-StarPU: Parallel Sequence Comparison with Multiple Scheduling Policies and Pruning00.342020
Bitmap filter: Speeding up exact set similarity joins with bitwise operations00.342020
Introduction to HiCOMB 2019.00.342019
Sensitivity analysis in digital pathology: Handling large number of parameters with compute expensive workflows.00.342019
DNA sequences alignment in multi-GPUs: acceleration and energy payoff.10.372018
Formalization of Block Pruning: Reducing the Number of Cells Computed in Exact Biological Sequence Comparison Algorithms.20.382018
Cooperative and out-of-core execution of the irregular wavefront propagation pattern on hybrid machines with Intel® Xeon Phi™.00.342018
CUDA-Sankoff: Using GPU to Accelerate the Pairwise Structural RNA Alignment00.342017
Dohko: an autonomic system for provision, configuration, and management of inter-cloud environments based on a software product line engineering method.00.342017
Smith-Waterman Acceleration in Multi-GPUs: A Performance per Watt Analysis.10.362017
HiCOMB Introduction and Committees00.342016
Foldalign 2.5: multithreaded implementation for pairwise structural RNA alignment.30.412016
Power-aware server consolidation for federated clouds.50.412016
CUDAlign 4.0: Incremental Speculative Traceback for Exact Chromosome-Wide Alignment in GPU Clusters.180.792016
Autonomic Provisioning, Configuration, and Management of Inter-cloud Environments Based on a Software Product Line Engineering Method00.342016
Efficient Methods and Parallel Execution for Algorithm Sensitivity Analysis with Parameter Tuning on Microscopy Imaging Datasets.00.342016
MASA: A Multiplatform Architecture for Sequence Aligners with Block Pruning.50.472016
Parallel Optimal Pairwise Biological Sequence Comparison: Algorithms, Platforms, and Classification.40.462016
Automating Resource Selection and Configuration in Inter-clouds through a Software Product Line Method110.482015
Efficient Irregular Wavefront Propagation Algorithms on Intel(R) Xeon Phi(TM)00.342015
Parallel A-Star Multiple Sequence Alignment with Locality-Sensitive Hash Functions00.342015
Parallel Megabase DNA Sequence Comparison with OpenCL.00.342015
Excalibur: an autonomic cloud architecture for executing parallel applications30.382014
Querying dynamic communities in online social networks.60.542014
Querying dynamic communities in online social networks.60.542014
Querying dynamic communities in online social networks.60.542014
CUDAlign 3.0: Parallel Biological Sequence Comparison in Large GPU Clusters30.402014
Fine-grain parallel megabase sequence comparison with multiple heterogeneous GPUs50.442014
A Framework for Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Execution of Workflows in the Grid: Empirical and Theoretical Analysis30.392014
An agent-based solution for dynamic multi-node wavefront balancing in biological sequence comparison.10.372014
Retrieving Smith-Waterman Alignments with Optimizations for Megabase Biological Sequences Using GPU301.232013
Biological Sequence Comparison on Hybrid Platforms with Dynamic Workload Adjustment00.342013
Multiple biological sequence alignment in heterogeneous multicore clusters with user-selectable task allocation policies20.392013
Parallel Smith-Waterman Comparison on Multicore and Manycore Computing Platforms with BSP++.80.602013
Topic 11: Multicore and Manycore Programming - (Introduction).00.342013
A Pipeline to Characterize Virulence Factors in Mycobacterium Massiliense Genome00.342013
MSA-GPU: Exact Multiple Sequence Alignment Using GPU40.462013
Energy-Aware Multi-Agent Server Consolidation in Federated Clouds.10.352012
A protein sequence analysis hardware accelerator based on divergences20.392012
Exact Parallel Alignment Of Megabase Genomic Sequences With Tunable Work Distribution20.372012
Parallel Simulated Annealing for Fragment Based Sequence Alignment00.342012
A fragment based alignment in linear space00.342011
Hybrid MPI/OpenMP Strategy for Biological Multiple Sequence Alignment with DIALIGN-TX in Heterogeneous Multicore Clusters30.402011
User-Defined Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Execution of Workflows in the Grid20.382011
Impact Analysis Model For Brasilia Area Control Center Using Multi-Agent System With Reinforcement Learning00.342010
CUDAlign: using GPU to accelerate the comparison of megabase genomic sequences351.382010
A HMMER hardware accelerator using divergences20.382010
Bag-of-Tasks Self-Scheduling over Range-Queriable Search Overlays10.362009
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