chinese academy of sciences
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Comparison Of Three Preventive Maintenance Warranty Policies For Products Deteriorating With Age And A Time-Varying Covariate10.362021
Optimal Inventory Policy For A Balanced System Subject To Hard Failure00.342021
An Optimal Opportunistic Maintenance Policy For A Two-Unit Series System With General Repair Using Proportional Hazards Models10.392021
Condition-based maintenance with dynamic thresholds for a system using the proportional hazards model00.342020
An Improved Otsu Threshold Segmentation Algorithm00.342020
An Improved U-Net Convolutional Networks for Seabed Mineral Image Segmentation.00.342019
Simultaneous arteriole and venule segmentation of dual-modal fundus images using a multi-task cascade network00.342019
Covariance Matrix Reconstruction via Residual Noise Elimination and Interference Powers Estimation for Robust Adaptive Beamforming00.342019
A Novel Violent Video Detection Scheme Based on Modified 3D Convolutional Neural Networks.20.372019
Sparse Bayesian learning for off-grid DOA estimation with Gaussian mixture priors when both circular and non-circular sources coexist.00.342019
Interpolating Coprime Arrays With Translocated and Axis Rotated Compressed Subarrays by Iterative Power Factorization for DOA Estimation.10.362018
A low-complexity RARE-based 2-D DOA estimation algorithm for a mixture of circular and strictly noncircular sources00.342018
Long-term Tracking Based on Spatio-Temporal Context Model *00.342018
Unpaved road detection based on spatial fuzzy clustering algorithm10.352018
Demo: Talk2me-A Framework For D2d Augmented Reality Social Network00.342018
Cardea: context-aware visual privacy protection for photo taking and sharing.00.342018
Off-Grid DOA Estimation Aiding Virtual Extension of Coprime Arrays Exploiting Fourth Order Difference Co-Array With Interpolation.00.342018
Your Privacy Is in Your Hand: Interactive Visual Privacy Control with Tags and Gestures.30.372017
Hyperion: A Wearable Augmented Reality System for Text Extraction and Manipulation in the Air.20.412017
Enhancing Customer Brand Experience And Loyalty Through Enterprise Microblogs Empirical Evidence From A Communication Framework Perspective00.342017
An Empirical Study of Human Altruistic Behaviors in Opportunistic Networks40.392015
A Hierarchical Path Planning Approach Based on Reinforcement Learning for Mobile Robots.00.342013
A self-tuning design methodology for power-efficient multi-core systems10.382012
A Parametric Survey for Facial Expression Database.00.342012
A simple probabilistic spiking neuron model with Hebbian learning rules10.352012
Self-Tuning for Maximized Lifetime Energy-Efficiency in the Presence of Circuit Aging441.372011
A low power catalytic combustion gas sensor based on a suspended membrane microhotplate.20.682011
Programmable analog device array (PANDA): A platform for transistor-level analog reconfigurability40.482011
Computing The Solutions Of The Combined Korteweg-De Vries Equation By Turing Machines00.342010
Optimized self-tuning for circuit aging180.852010
Local vs. global: Indoor multi-robot simultaneous localization and mapping in wireless sensor networks00.342010
Compressive sensing approach based mapping and localization for mobile robot in an indoor wireless sensor network20.372010
Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) for indoor autonomous mobile robot navigation in wireless sensor networks40.452010
A Stealthy Path Planning Method for Aircraft by Constant Azimuth10.362010
A self-evolving design methodology for power efficient multi-core systems20.452010
Circuit aging prediction for low-power operation70.652009
The Influence Factors and Mechanism of Societal Risk Perception40.532009
Path Planning Algorithm for Mobile Robot Based on Path Grids Encoding Novel Mechanism10.372007