School of Computer Science and Shanghai Key Lab of Intelligent Information Processing, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China
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Fast Approximation of Coherence for Second-Order Noisy Consensus Networks10.372022
Coherence Scaling of Noisy Second-Order Scale-Free Consensus Networks00.342022
Effects of Stubbornness on Opinion Dynamics00.342022
Discriminating Power of Centrality Measures in Complex Networks00.342022
Biharmonic Distance-Based Performance Metric for Second-Order Noisy Consensus Networks00.342022
A Nearly-Linear Time Algorithm for Minimizing Risk of Conflict in Social Networks00.342022
Modeling Higher-Order Interactions in Complex Networks by Edge Product of Graphs00.342022
Some Combinatorial Problems in Power-Law Graphs00.342022
Diffusion and Consensus in a Weakly Coupled Network of Networks00.342021
Fast Evaluation for Relevant Quantities of Opinion Dynamics00.342021
Real-World Networks Are Not Always Fast Mixing00.342021
Minimizing Spectral Radius of Non-Backtracking Matrix by Edge Removal00.342021
Maximizing Influence of Leaders in Social Networks00.342021
Hitting Times for Random Walks on Sierpiński Graphs and Hierarchical Graphs00.342020
Nearly Linear Time Algorithm for Mean Hitting Times of Random Walks on a Graph.00.342020
Effects of Edge Centrality on Random Walks on Graphs00.342020
Power-Law Graphs Have Minimal Scaling of Kemeny Constant for Random Walks00.342020
Topological and Spectral Properties of Small-World Hierarchical Graphs00.342019
Combinatorial properties of Farey graphs.00.342019
A Resistance-Distance-Based Approach for Optimal Leader Selection in Noisy Consensus Networks10.352019
Low-Mean Hitting Time for Random Walks on Heterogeneous Networks.10.362019
Spectral properties of extended Sierpiński graphs and their applications20.382019
Non-Backtracking Centrality Based Random Walk on Networks.00.342019
Forest Distance Closeness Centrality in Disconnected Graphs10.352019
Consensus in Self-similar Hierarchical Graphs and Sierpiński Graphs: Convergence Speed, Delay Robustness, and Coherence.30.372019
Biharmonic Distance Related Centrality for Edges in Weighted Networks.10.352018
Hitting times and resistance distances of q-triangulation graphs: Accurate results and applications.00.342018
Extended corona product as an exactly tractable model for weighted heterogeneous networks.30.382018
Kirchhoff Index As a Measure of Edge Centrality in Weighted Networks: Nearly Linear Time Algorithms.00.342018
Current Flow Group Closeness Centrality for Complex Networks.00.342018
Improving information centrality of a node in complex networks by adding edges.00.342018
Maximizing the Number of Spanning Trees in a Connected Graph.00.342018
Scale-free Loopy Structure is Resistant to Noise in Consensus Dynamics in Complex Networks.30.392018
Biharmonic Distance And Performance Of Second-Order Consensus Networks With Stochastic Disturbances00.342018
Convergence Rate of Consensus in a Network of Networks00.342018
Independence number and the number of maximum independent sets in pseudofractal scale-free web and Sierpiński gasket.30.372018
Maximum matchings in scale-free networks with identical degree distribution.10.352017
A Resistance Distance-Based Approach for Optimal Leader Selection in Noisy Consensus Networks.10.362017
Maximum matchings and minimum dominating sets in Apollonian networks and extended Tower of Hanoi graphs.20.352017
Effects Of Reciprocity On Random Walks In Weighted Networks00.342017
Domination number and minimum dominating sets in pseudofractal scale-free web and Sierpiński graph.50.402017
Robustness of First- and Second-Order Consensus Algorithms for a Noisy Scale-Free Small-World Koch Network.30.362017
Assessing Percolation Threshold Based on High-Order Non-Backtracking Matrices.00.342017
A New Method For Extracting The Hierarchical Organization Of Networks00.342017
The normalized Laplacian spectrum of subdivisions of a graph71.032016
On the spectrum of the normalized Laplacian of iterated triangulations of graphs100.902016
Pfaffian orientations and perfect matchings of scale-free networks60.442015
The number and degree distribution of spanning trees in the Tower of Hanoi graph.40.512015
Small-World Topology Can Significantly Improve the Performance of Noisy Consensus in a Complex Network70.592015
Corona Graph as a Small-world Model.00.342015
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