Vérimag, centre équation, Gières, F-38610
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Interface Compliance of Inline Assembly: Automatically Check, Patch and Refine00.342021
RUSTINA: Automatically Checking and Patching Inline Assembly Interface Compliance (Artifact Evaluation) : Accepted submission #992 – "Interface Compliance of Inline Assembly: Automatically Check, Patch and Refine"00.342021
Output-Sensitive Information Flow Analysis00.342021
Countermeasures Optimization in Multiple Fault-Injection Context00.342020
An End-to-End Approach for Multi-Fault Attack Vulnerability Assessment00.342020
Get Rid of Inline Assembly through Verification-Oriented Lifting.10.352019
Formally and practically verifying flow properties in industrial systems00.342019
Output-Sensitive Information Flow Analysis.10.352019
Model Generation For Quantified Formulas: A Taint-Based Approach10.352018
Symbolic Deobfuscation: From Virtualized Code Back To The Original10.352018
Generation of Applicative Attacks Scenarios Against Industrial Systems.00.342017
Formally Verifying Flow Properties in Industrial Systems.00.342017
FISSC: A Fault Injection and Simulation Secure Collection.30.382016
Guided Dynamic Symbolic Execution Using Subgraph Control-Flow Information.30.362016
Formal Analysis of Security Properties on the OPC-UA SCADA Protocol.20.392016
Finding the needle in the heap: combining static analysis and dynamic symbolic execution to trigger use-after-free.20.372016
BINSEC/SE: A Dynamic Symbolic Execution Toolkit for Binary-Level Analysis110.492016
Domain Specific Stateful Filtering With Worst-Case Bandwidth00.342016
Specification of concretization and symbolization policies in symbolic execution.40.402016
From Code Review to Fault Injection Attacks: Filling the Gap Using Fault Model Inference.90.562015
Apport des méthodes formelles pour l'exploitation de logs informatiques dans un contexte contractuel.00.342014
Combining High-Level and Low-Level Approaches to Evaluate Software Implementations Robustness Against Multiple Fault Injection Attacks.10.382014
Statically detecting use after free on binary code.230.852014
Combining Static and Dynamic Analysis for Vulnerability Detection20.382013
A Stack Model for Symbolic Buffer Overflow Exploitability Analysis10.372013
Liability issues in software engineering: the use of formal methods to reduce legal uncertainties80.592011
Taint Dependency Sequences: A Characterization of Insecure Execution Paths Based on Input-Sensitive Cause Sequences120.772010
Liability in software engineering: overview of the LISE approach and illustration on a case study80.482010
Security policy enforcement through refinement process60.482010
GeneSyst: a tool to reason about behavioral aspects of B event specifications. application to security properties220.952010
A formal framework for specifying and analyzing logs as electronic evidence30.392010
GénéSyst : Génération d'un système de transitions étiquetées à partir d'une spécification B événementiel00.342010
Designing Log Architectures for Legal Evidence60.542010
Relaxing Restrictions on Invariant Composition in the B Method by Ownership Control a laSpec00.342009
A B Formal Framework For Security Developments In The Domain Of Smart Card Applications30.402008
A Verifiable Conformance Relationship between Smart Card Applets and B Security Models20.392008
Interpreting invariant composition in the b method using the spec# ownership relation: a way to explain and relax b restrictions30.392007
Adaptabilité et validation de la traduction de B vers C. Points de vue et résultats du projet BOM00.342004
Stratégie de couverture de test à un haut niveau d'abstraction00.342004
Adaptable Translator of B Specifications to Embedded C Programs311.632003
Spécifications et développements structurés dans la méthode B20.442003
Automatic Construction of Validated B Components from Structured Developments30.442000
Composition and Refinement in the B-Method150.951998
A VDM Specification of the Steam-Boiler Problem10.431995
Equational Reasonning and the Completion Procedure. A Comparative Study in Program Transformation00.341991
Program Synthesis = Proof Method + Knowledge (Example about Recursive Function Synthesis)00.341986
Program Synthesis Through Problem Splitting: A Method for Subproblem Characterization00.341984