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Evaluating Diversity of Multiword Expressions in Annotated Text.00.342022
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Tutorial Abstracts, ACL 2020, Online, July 5, 2020.00.342020
Verbal Multiword Expression Identification - Do We Need a Sledgehammer to Crack a Nut?00.342020
A French corpus annotated for multiword expressions and named entities.00.342020
Without lexicons, multiword expression identification will never fly: A position statement00.342019
Démonstrateur en-ligne du projet ANR PARSEME-FR sur les expressions polylexicales (On-line demonstrator of the PARSEME-FR project on multiword expressions).00.342019
Literal Occurrences of Multiword Expressions: Rare Birds That Cause a Stir00.342019
Advances in Multiword Expression Identification for the Italian language - The PARSEME Shared Task Edition
If you've seen some, you've seen them all: Identifying variants of multiword expressions.00.342018
Literal readings of multiword expressions: as scarce as hen's teeth.00.342018
Edition 1.1 of the PARSEME Shared Task on Automatic Identification of Verbal Multiword Expressions.00.342018
Object-oriented lexical encoding of multiword expressions: Short and sweet.00.342018
Towards a Variability Measure for Multiword Expressions.00.342018
VarIDE at PARSEME Shared Task 2018: Are Variants Really as Alike as Two Peas in a Pod?00.342018
Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Multiword Expressions (MWE 2017).00.342017
The PARSEME Shared Task on Automatic Identification of Verbal Multiword Expressions.00.342017
Projecting Multiword Expression Resources on a Polish Treebank.00.342017
Multiword Expression-Aware A$*$ TAG Parsing Revisited.00.342017
Towards Lexical Encoding of Multi-Word Expressions in Spanish Dialects.00.342016
PARSEME Survey on MWE Resources.10.342016
MWEs in Treebanks: From Survey to Guidelines.10.342016
Covering various Needs in Temporal Annotation: a Proposal of Extension of ISO TimeML that Preserves Upward Compatibility.00.342016
Enhancing Practical Tag Parsing Efficiency By Capturing Redundancy00.342016
Promoting multiword expressions in A* TAG parsing.00.342016
SEJF - A Grammatical Lexicon of Polish Multiword Expressions.00.342015
On Correcting XML Documents with Respect to a Schema.50.442014
Polish Coreference Corpus in Numbers.00.342014
Annotation Tools For Syntax And Named Entities In The National Corpus Of Polish20.432013
Interesting Linguistic Features In Coreference Annotation Of An Inflectional Language30.472013
Coreference annotation schema for an inflectional language40.732013
Towards the Annotation of Named Entities in the National Corpus of Polish141.192010
Tools and methodologies for annotating syntax and named entities in the National Corpus of Polish60.772010
Emologus: a compositional model of emotion detection based on the propositional content of spoken utterances20.522010
Computational Lexicography of Multi-Word Units. How Efficient Can It Be?00.342010
Multiflex: A Multilingual Finite-State Tool for Multi-Word Units10.402009
Toposław: a lexicographic framework for multi-word units00.342009
Inflection of Polish Multi-Word Proper Names with Morfeusz and Multiflex30.502009
Integrating Correction into Incremental Validation.60.572006
Prerequisites for a comprehensive dictionary of serbian compounds30.492006
XML Document Correction: Incremental Approach Activated by Schema Validation80.512006
Incremental and semi-incremental construction of pseudo-minimal automata30.422005
Incremental string correction: Towards correction of XML documents40.462005
Dynamic Perfect Hashing with Finite-State Automata20.432005
Typographical Nearest-Neighbor Search in a Finite-State Lexicon and Its Application to Spelling Correction141.002001
Reducing information variation in text100.742000