Fundació ESADE, Avda. Pedralbes, 60-62, Barcelona, Spain
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The translation operator. Applications to nonlinear reconstruction operators on nonuniform grids00.342023
Improving Standing Balance Performance through the Assistance of a Mobile Collaborative Robot00.342022
Information theoretic meta learning with Gaussian processes.00.342021
Unbiased gradient estimation for variational auto-encoders using coupled Markov chains.00.342021
Fusing hotel ratings and reviews with hesitant terms and consensus measures00.342020
Augment and Reduce: Stochastic Inference for Large Categorical Distributions.20.382018
Poisson Multi-Bernoulli Mapping Using Gibbs Sampling50.412018
Multi-factor authentication model based on multipurpose speech watermarking and online speaker recognition.50.492017
A linear programming approach for learning non-monotonic additive value functions in multiple criteria decision aiding.80.532017
Context Selection for Embedding Models.30.402017
Olive Actual "on Year" Yield Forecast Tool Based on the Tree Canopy Geometry Using UAS Imagery.10.362017
Structured Embedding Models for Grouped Data20.432017
Modeling group assessments by means of hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets.80.422017
Exponential Family Embeddings.160.652016
The Generalized Reparameterization Gradient.00.342016
Overdispersed Black-Box Variational Inference.80.622016
A Simple Computation of ζ (2k).00.342015
Infinite Factorial Dynamical Model20.392015
A transformational creativity tool to support chocolate designers40.552015
Some functional relations derived from the Lindelöf-Wirtinger expansion of the Lerch transcendent function.00.342015
A Bayesian nonparametric approach for blind multiuser channel estimation00.342015
Bayesian Nonparametric Poisson Factorization for Recommendation Systems.251.002014
Sinfinite factorial unbounded hidden Markov model for blind multiuser channel estimation.00.342014
Understanding color trends by means of non-monotone utility functions.00.342014
Bayesian nonparametric comorbidity analysis of psychiatric disorders40.452014
Asymptotic behavior of the Lerch transcendent function.10.402013
Selecting the best taste: A group decision-making application to chocolates design30.442013
Gait identification by means of box approximation geometry of reconstructed attractors in latent space40.422013
Bayesian Nonparametric Modeling of Suicide Attempts.70.762012
Asymptotic estimates for Apostol-Bernoulli and Apostol-Euler polynomials30.562012
Old and New Identities for Bernoulli Polynomials via Fourier Series.00.342012
Qualitative Analysis Of A One-Step Finite-Horizon Boundary For Event-Driven Controllers100.912011
Gait identification by using spectrum analysis on state space reconstruction00.342011
The Möbius inversion formula for Fourier series applied to Bernoulli and Euler polynomials51.082011
Moving Intervals for Nonlinear Time Series Forecasting00.342010
Model Driven Engineering of Rich Internet Applications Equipped with Zoomable User Interfaces30.392009
Using a Simulated Annealing to Enhance Learning in Adjustment Processes00.342009
SVM-based learning method for improving colour adjustment in automotive basecoat manufacturing10.362009
Weighting task procedure for zoomable task hierarchy modeling of rich internet applications00.342009
Web User Interface Generation for Multiple Platforms30.422008
IDD: A Supervised Interval Distance-Based Method for Discretization160.682008
Intersection and Signed-Intersection Kernels for Intervals00.342008
Managing software process measurement: A metamodel-based approach321.342007
Nature-Inspiration on kernel machines: data mining for continuous and discrete variables00.342006
Multi-Classification by Using Tri-Class SVM261.432006
A first draft of a Model-driven Method for Designing Graphical User Interfaces of Rich Internet Applications261.532006
Support Vector Machines for color adjustment in automotive basecoat10.392006
A Discretization Process in Accordance with a Qualitative Ordered Output00.342005
Sobre núcleos, distancias y similitudes entre intervalos.30.422004
Global asymptotic stabilization of feedforward systems with delay in the input644.112004