St Petersburg Natl Res Univ Informat Technol Mech, St Petersburg 197101, Russia
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Design Patterns for Personalization of Healthcare Process20.372019
Multi-agent deep learning for simultaneous optimization for time and energy in distributed routing system.30.422019
Intelligent Support for Clinical Processes Based on Automaton Approach00.342019
Impact of Adversarial Examples on the Efficiency of Interpretation and Use of Information from High-Tech Medical Images00.342019
Software Tools for Manual Segmentation of Tomography Images Supporting Radiologist’s Personal Context00.342019
Heuristic and metaheuristic solutions of pickup and delivery problem for self-driving taxi routing00.342019
Function block finite-state model identification using SAT and CSP solvers10.362019
Parallel Combining - Benefits of Explicit Synchronization.00.342018
Intellectualization of Knowledge Acquisition of Academic Texts as an Answer to Challenges of Modern Information Society.00.342018
On Helping and Stacks.00.342018
Active Learning Of Formal Plant Models For Cyber-Physical Systems00.342018
Noise Masking Recurrent Neural Network For Respiratory Sound Classification40.472018
Exact Finite-State Machine Identification from Scenarios and Temporal Properties.60.462018
Csp-Based Inference Of Function Block Finite-State Models From Execution Traces00.342017
Reconstruction of Function Block Logic Using Metaheuristic Algorithm.10.362017
Closed-Loop Verification Of A Compensating Group Drive Model Using Synthesized Formal Plant Model00.342017
Finding All Minimum-Size DFA Consistent with Given Examples: SAT-Based Approach.20.382017
Plant Trace Generation For Formal Plant Model Inference: Methods And Case Study00.342017
Symmetry Breaking Predicates for SAT-based DFA Identification.00.342016
Models and methods for multicriteria situational flexible reassignment of control functions in man-machine systems10.432016
Modified ant colony algorithm for constructing finite state machines from execution scenarios and temporal formulas00.342016
Genetic Search Of Pickup And Delivery Problem Solutions For Self-Driving Taxi Routing10.352016
Reconstruction Of Function Block Controllers Based On Test Scenarios And Verification00.342016
BFS-Based Symmetry Breaking Predicates for DFA Identification.80.532015
Inferring Temporal Properties of Finite-State Machine Models with Genetic Programming20.422015
Change Request Management In Model-Driven Engineering Of Industrial Automation Software20.412015
An Asynchronous Implementation Of The Limited Memory Cma-Es00.342015
Inferring Automata Logic from Manual Control Scenarios: Implementation in Function Blocks00.342015
Reconstruction of function block logic using metaheuristic algorithm: Initial explorations30.402015
Hard test generation for augmenting path maximum flow algorithms using genetic algorithms: Revisited20.442015
A portability study of IEC 61499: Semantics and tools20.392014
Formal Verification of 800 Genetically Constructed Automata Programs: A Case Study.00.342014
Cyber-physical components for heterogeneous modelling, validation and implementation of smart grid intelligence00.342014
Worst-Case Execution Time Test Generation for Solutions of the Knapsack Problem Using a Genetic Algorithm.10.362014
Combining Exact and Metaheuristic Techniques for Learning Extended Finite-State Machines from Test Scenarios and Temporal Properties20.392014
A Provably Asymptotically Fast Version Of The Generalized Jensen Algorithm For Non-Dominated Sorting180.842014
Solving Five Instances of the Artificial Ant Problem with Ant Colony Optimization.00.342013
Search-based construction of finite-state machines with real-valued actions: new representation model20.402013
Test-Based Induction of Finite-State Machines with Continuous Output Actions.20.412013
A First Step towards the Runtime Analysis of Evolutionary Algorithm Adjusted with Reinforcement Learning50.472013
Worst-Case Execution Time Test Generation for Augmenting Path Maximum Flow Algorithms Using Genetic Algorithms30.482013
Extracting EFSMs of web applications for formal requirements specification00.342012
GA-based and design by contract approach to test generation for EFSMs10.362010
Graphical inheritance notation for state-based classes10.432007
Tools for support of automata-based programming91.052007
Translating Iterative Algorithms into Automaton Ones10.432002
SWITCH Technology: An Automated Approach to Developing Software for Reactive Systems131.492001