Pacific Northwest Natl Lab, Richland, WA 99354 USA
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Scalable and Memory-Efficient Algorithms for Controlling Networked Epidemic Processes Using Multiplicative Weights Update Method00.342022
Scalable and Memory-Efficient Algorithms for Controlling Networked Epidemic Processes Using Multiplicative Weights Update Method.00.342022
Characterizing Performance of Graph Neighborhood Communication Patterns00.342022
Towards scaling community detection on distributed-memory heterogeneous systems00.342022
cuTS: scaling subgraph isomorphism on distributed multi-GPU systems using trie based data structure00.342021
EXAGRAPH: Graph and combinatorial methods for enabling exascale applications10.352021
Single-node partitioned-memory for huge graph analytics: cost and performance trade-offs00.342021
A Parallel Approximation Algorithm for Maximizing Submodular b-Matching.00.342021
Message from the workshop chairs00.342020
Vertex Reordering for Real-World Graphs and Applications: An Empirical Evaluation00.342020
Introduction to the TOPC Special Issue on Innovations in Systems for Irregular Applications, Part 200.342020
cuRipples: influence maximization on multi-GPU systems20.372020
Direction-optimizing label propagation and its application to community detection00.342020
PREEMPT: Scalable Epidemic Interventions Using Submodular Optimization on Multi-GPU Systems10.632020
TriC: Distributed-memory Triangle Counting by Exploiting the Graph Structure50.422020
Introduction to the TOPC Special Issue on Innovations in Systems for Irregular Applications, Part 100.342020
Scaling and Quality of Modularity Optimization Methods for Graph Clustering20.352019
Distributed Direction-Optimizing Label Propagation for Community Detection20.352019
Fast and Scalable Implementations of Influence Maximization Algorithms10.352019
A 2/3-Approximation Algorithm for Vertex Weighted Matching in Bipartite Graphs.00.342019
Exploring MPI Communication Models for Graph Applications Using Graph Matching as a Case Study00.342019
Mapping Arbitrarily Sparse Two-Body Interactions on One-Dimensional Quantum Circuits00.342019
Distributed Louvain Algorithm for Graph Community Detection30.372018
Optimizing Distributed Data-Intensive Workflows00.342018
Scalable Distributed Memory Community Detection Using Vite10.342018
Exploring the Role of Intrinsic Nodal Activation on the Spread of Influence in Complex Networks.00.342018
Dynamic graphs, community detection, and Riemannian geometry.10.362018
MiniVite: A Graph Analytics Benchmarking Tool for Massively Parallel Systems40.392018
Guest Editorial: Advances in Parallel Graph Processing: Algorithms, Architectures, and Application Frameworks.00.342018
Introduction to GraML 2018.00.342018
A 2/3-Approximation Algorithm for Vertex-weighted Matching in Bipartite Graphs.10.362018
Stochastic Programming Approach for Resource Selection Under Demand Uncertainty.00.342018
Adaptive anonymization of data using b-edge cover.00.342018
Approximate Computing Techniques for Iterative Graph Algorithms00.342017
Algorithms for Balanced Graph Colorings with Applications in Parallel Computing20.392017
A generative graph model for electrical infrastructure networks10.352017
AMPS: An Augmented Matrix Formulation for Principal Submatrix Updates with Application to Power Grids.10.372017
Towards Efficient Resource Allocation for Distributed Workflows Under Demand Uncertainties.30.422017
Exploring performance and energy tradeoffs for irregular applications: A case study on the Tilera many-core architecture.00.342017
Flipnet. Modeling Covert And Persistent Attacks On Networked Resources00.342017
Community Detection on the GPU20.382017
Scalable static and dynamic community detection using Grappolo40.372017
Introduction to GraML Workshop.00.342017
Formal Approach for Resilient Reachability based on End-System Route Agility.10.372016
On Stable Marriages and Greedy Matchings.00.342016
Accelerating the mining of influential nodes in complex networks through community detection.40.442016
Designing scalable b-Matching algorithms on distributed memory multiprocessors by approximation.00.342016
Accelerating the mining of influential nodes in complex networks through community detection10.362016
Influence Maximization on Complex Networks with Intrinsic Nodal Activation.10.352016
Efficient Approximation Algorithms for Weighted b-Matching.20.382016
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