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Workshop - Challenges for XR in Digital Entertainment.00.342021
AI Game Agents Based on Evolutionary Search and (Deep) Reinforcement Learning - A Practical Analysis with Flappy Bird.00.342021
Provenance in Gamification Business Systems.00.342021
Using machine learning techniques to analyze the performance of concurrent kernel execution on GPUs10.342020
Dynamic multifoveated structure for real-time vision tasks in robotic systems: A tool for removing redundancy in multifoveated image processing00.342020
A Parallel Method for Anatomical Structure Segmentation based on 3D Seeded Region Growing.00.342020
Accelerating simulations of cardiac electrical dynamics through a multi‐GPU platform and an optimized data structure00.342020
Automatic Sinusoidal Curves Detection in Borehole Images Using the Iterated Local Search Algorithm00.342020
Player Behavior Profiling through Provenance Graphs and Representation Learning.00.342020
Provchastic - Understanding and Predicting Game Events Using Provenance.00.342020
Kernel concurrency opportunities based on GPU benchmarks characterization10.432020
Minimizing cybersickness in head-mounted display systems: causes and strategies review00.342020
Detecting long-range cause-effect relationships in game provenance graphs with graph-based representation learning00.342019
Maximizing the GPU resource usage by reordering concurrent kernels submission.40.502019
FPVRGame - Deep Learning for Hand Pose Recognition in Real-Time Using Low-End HMD.00.342019
Learning How to Play Bomberman with Deep Reinforcement and Imitation Learning.00.342019
Virtual and Real Body Representation in Mixed Reality - An Analysis of Self-presence and Immersive Environments.00.342019
Towards Adaptive Deep Reinforcement Game Balancing00.342019
An Architecture for 2D Game Streaming Using Multi-Layer Object Coding00.342019
Haptic forces and gamification on epidural anesthesia skill gain.00.342018
Pervasive virtuality in digital entertainment applications and its quality requirements.00.342018
Virtual and Real Body Experience Comparison Using Mixed Reality Cycling Environment.10.372018
A Versatile Method for Depth Data Error Estimation in RGB-D Sensors.00.342018
Deep spherical harmonics light probe estimator for mixed reality games.10.382018
PadCorrect: Correcting User Input on a Virtual Gamepad00.342018
Smart controller: Introducing a dynamic interface adapted to the gameplay.10.382018
Capturing Game Telemetry with Provenance00.342017
Simulated Perceptions for Emergent Storytelling.00.342017
Improving Accuracy of Automatic Fracture Detection in Borehole Images with Deep Learning and GPUs00.342017
Minimizing cyber sickness in head mounted display systems: design guidelines and applications.00.342017
Understanding User Experience with Game Controllers: A Case Study with an Adaptive Smart Controller and a Traditional Gamepad.10.382017
Analysis and Characterization of GPU Benchmarks for Kernel Concurrency Efficiency.10.362017
Prov Viewer: A Graph-Based Visualization Tool for Interactive Exploration of Provenance Data.40.392016
Notes on Pervasive Virtuality.00.342016
The Concept of Pervasive Virtuality and Its Application in Digital Entertainment Systems.20.372016
Investigating Motivational Aspects Of Brazilian Elderly To Interact With Digital Games00.342016
Force modeling and gamification for Epidural Anesthesia training00.342016
Efficient image‐aware version control systems using GPU10.352016
Live-action Virtual Reality Games00.342016
Planning social actions through the others' eyes for emergent storytelling.00.342016
Gpu Optimization For Data Analysis Of Mario Schenberg Spherical Detector00.342016
An Indoor Navigation System for Live-Action Virtual Reality Games00.342015
Multi-Perspective Exploratory Analysis Of Software Development Data20.402015
Niche vs. breadth: Calculating expertise over time through a fine-grained analysis60.422015
Observed Interaction in Games for Down Syndrome Children20.412015
Dynamic Game Difficulty Balancing in Real Time Using Evolutionary Fuzzy Cognitive Maps20.392015
A Participatory Approach for Game Design to Support the Learning and Communication of Autistic Children10.372015
Exploring Parallel Game Architectures with Tardiness Policy00.342015
NGrid: a proximity data structure for fluids animation with GPU computing00.342015
Sensor Data Fusion for Full Arm Tracking Using Myo Armband and Leap Motion10.372015
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