Hong Kong Univ Sci & Technol, Dept Phys, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Peoples R China
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Evolution of financial network through non-linear coupling of time series00.342020
Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem with a Multi-Agent System00.342019
Multiple Sources Influence Maximization in Complex Networks with Genetic Algorithm.00.342019
Searching for Leaders in Complex Networks with a Topological-Signature-Led Genetic Algorithm00.342019
Optimal Resource Allocation of Communicating Multi-Agent System Using Genetic Algorithm00.342018
First-passage time distribution for random walks on complex networks using inverse Laplace transform and mean-field approximation.00.342018
Maximizing the Effect of Local Disturbance in the Dynamics of Opinion Formation.00.342018
Analysis of Average Communicability in Complex Networks.00.342017
Spin Model of Two Random Walkers in Complex Networks.00.342017
Topological Evolution Of Financial Network: A Genetic Algorithmic Approach00.342017
Optimization Of Joint Sales Potential Using Genetic Algorithm10.372017
Optimization of financial network stability by genetic algorithm10.352017
Minimization of Systemic Risk for Directed Network Using Genetic Algorithm.00.342017
Optimization of systemic stability of directed network using genetic algorithm20.502016
Efficiency of adaptive genetic algorithm with mutation matrix in the solution of the knapsack problem of increasing complexity10.392015
Sustaining mutual cooperation in iterated prisoner's dilemma game00.342015
Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma with Partial Imitation in Noisy Environments00.342014
Optimization of Reliability of Network of Given Connectivity using Genetic Algorithm.00.342014
Sequence Analysis with Motif-Preserving Genetic Algorithm for Iterated Parrondo Games00.342014
Search for the most reliable network of fixed connectivity using genetic algorithm00.342014
Applications of genetic algorithm on optimal sequence for Parrondo games20.502014
Simple Measure of Network Reliability Using the Variance of the Degree Distribution00.342014
Topological effects on the performance of island model of parallel genetic algorithm40.422013
Sales potential optimization on directed social networks: a quasi-parallel genetic algorithm approach30.462012
Three-State Opinion Formation Model on Adaptive Networks and Time to Consensus.00.342012
Comparing the stability and reliability of networks by spectral analysis00.342012
Phase diagram of Symmetric Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma of Two-Companies with Partial Imitation Rule00.342011
Quasi-parallel genetic algorithms with different communication topologies.30.412011
Community Detection Through Optimal Density Contrast of Adjacency Matrix20.382011
Importance of information exchange in quasi-parallel genetic algorithms30.472011
Partial Imitation Rule in Iterated Prisoner Dilemma Game on a Square Lattice10.392010
Accelerated Genetic Algorithms with Markov Chains10.412010
Decay of Invincible Clusters of Cooperators in the Evolutionary Prisoner's Dilemma Game00.342009
Optimal Time Delay in the Control of Epidemic10.432008
Effectiveness Of Closure Of Public Places With Time Delay In Disease Control10.462008
Landscape Mapping by Multi-population Genetic Algorithm10.402008
Clustering Coefficient and Connectivity in a Network of Multi-Agent Systems Competing for Dominance00.342007
Enhanced Competitiveness of Multi-Agent System by Special Algorithm00.342006
Optimal strategy for resource allocation of two-dimensional potts model using genetic algorithm00.342005
Mutation matrix in evolutionary computation: an application to resource allocation problem70.842005
Adaptive genetic algorithm and quasi-parallel genetic algorithm: application to knapsack problem131.362005
An application of adaptive genetic algorithm in financial knapsack problem30.752004
Searching solutions in the crypto-arithmetic problems: an adaptive parallel genetic algorithm approach10.662003
Monte-Carlo Simulation of Multi-Agent System in Soap Froth00.342002
A Quasi-Parallel Realization of the Investment Frontier in Computer Resource Allocation Using Simple Genetic Algorithm on a Single Computer51.212002
Existance of Minority in Multi-agent Systems Using Voronoi Tesselation00.342000
How Adaptive Agents in Stock Market Perform in the Presence of Random News: A Genetic Algorithm Approach81.542000